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“有人力資訊顧問笑言,不少赴澳升學的香港學生,回流後一口澳洲口音,會把「I will go today」(我今天會去)說成「I will go to die.」(我今天會死),較難令人明白及溝通。”

1. 其實仲有無其他澳洲口音的例子?(請盡量舉出)

2. 有無過來人(澳洲留學者)可分享(and分析)一下,到澳洲學英語的經驗、優點and缺點,及要注意的地方。有無因為係澳洲口音而還有別的溝通問題?


2007-01-31 07:40:04 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 ? 5 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

There are some influences from the Irish, British, and the Aboriginal people.
Examples on 澳洲口音
~Good on you.. Aussie will say "good onya" (Aussie is short for Australian people)
~ Good day, mate. We will say "g'day,mate", (a stereotypical Australian greeting)

The Aussie often use diminutives (shorten words) in their speeches too
~arvo = afternoon
~barbie =barbecue
~footy = Football
~youse =Plural of you
~ what is me glasses = What is my glasses

These are only used imformally in Australia between friends, colleagues and family members. Proper english is used at schools / universities/ businesses etc

The Aussie also have devised their unique terms, which you may not find them in dictionaries
~fair dinkum = this is the truth, hard work, fair work
~flat white = caffè latte

For more info you can visit these links:

2007-02-02 05:51:39 補充:
correction: Where is me glasses? = Where is my glasses?

2007-02-02 05:52:17 補充:
correction again:Where are me glasses? = where are my glasses

2007-02-02 05:52:19 補充:
correction again:Where are me glasses? = where are my glasses

2007-02-01 02:38:08 · answer #1 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

It is a good day today
In Aussie accent = It is a good die to die.
But, in Australia everybody speaks the same way, so it's nothing strange about it. Besides, I suppose we should pay a little respect to them & it's not very funny.

2007-01-31 10:20:07 · answer #2 · answered by byc8111 7 · 0 0

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