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E-learning is delivered to the end-user via a computer using standard Internet technology.

動詞:is delivered(被動式)

2007-01-29 15:33:09 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Aldrich 2 in 社會與文化 語言

4 個解答

A is delivered to B via C using D.
藉由使用D的C, 把A傳達給B.
這一句話含有兩個"動詞語意", 中文可以讓兩個動詞"原汁原味"並存,
正如您所說, 動詞: is delivered(被動式)
請看: <"便宜的"C> 和 <"使用D的"C>, 同樣都是在形容C,
只是前者純粹為形容詞, 後者卻含有"動詞語意".
當我們要形容一個名詞, 而所用的敘述語中又含有動詞的成分時, 怎麼辦?
(一)用動狀詞, 包括不定詞, 分詞, 以及動名詞三種.
I don't have any book to read. <可"讀"的書> (不定詞) (A)
A running dog was hit by a car. <在"跑"的狗> (現在分詞) (B)
Be careful with the broken glass. <"(被打)破掉"的玻璃杯> (過去分詞) (C)
They are talking in the dining room. <(吃)飯廳> (動名詞) (D)
動狀詞本身因為有動詞的含意, 所以它也像動詞一樣, 可以有受詞, 受詞補語, 或其他用來修飾動詞的元素. 加上這些之後, 就成為動狀詞片語, 如果要用來修飾一個名詞, 就必須放在名詞之後.
I would like to have a pen to write a letter with. <寫信的筆> (E)
A dog running on the street was hit by a car. <在馬路上跑的狗> (F)
Be careful with the glass broken by the kid just now. <被小孩打破的玻璃杯> (G)
(二)用一整個句子來表達動狀詞片語所含有的語意, 可以用對等連接詞之外, 也可以用關係代名詞所引導的一個形容詞子句來達成這個目的.
(A)= I don't have any book, and I want to read.
= I don't have any book that I can read.
(B)= A dog was running, and it was hit by a car.
= A dog, which was running, was hit by a car.
(C)= Be careful with the glass, and it is broken.
= Be careful with the glass which is broken.
(D)= They are talking in the room, and we usually dine in the room.
= They are talking in the room which we usually dine in.
E-learning is delivered to the end-user via a computer using(現在分詞) standard internet technology.

E-learning is delivered to the end-user via a computer, and(對等連接詞) the computer uses standard internet technology.

E-learning is delivered to the end-user via a computer which(or "that")(關係代名詞) uses standard internet technology.
是的. 您會看到一些例外情況, 其實多半是標準型態經過省略或修飾而來:
Why don't you go (to) get a job.
Mary has the man (to) fix her bicycle.
Would you help Tom (to) do his homework?
I heard someone (to) sing songs last night.
All I have to do is (to) tell the truth.
I took a book, (and) found a seat, and sat down to enjoy my afternoon.

2007-01-30 12:59:13 補充:
在英文文法中, 並不是 "每個句子都是由《S V O》所組成".

2007-01-30 14:25:42 補充:
在英文文法中, 並不能 "以現在分詞 using 做主詞".
[Using] computers is usually not easy for aged people.

2007-01-30 07:56:36 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin 7 · 0 0



E-learning is delivered to the end-user via a computer.
The computer is using standard Internet technology.

=E-learning is delivered to the end-user via a computer ﹝(which) is using standard Internet technology.﹞《省略關係代名詞 which》

=E-learning is delivered to the end-user via a computer ﹝(is) using standard Internet technology.﹞《省略Be動詞,以現在分詞 using 做主詞》

其次,主要動詞後的次要動詞以現在分詞(V-ing)、過去分詞(V-ed)或是不定詞(to V)表示;
再者,若主要動詞是感官動詞【see, look, watch, listen, hear, sound, tast, smell, feel】,則次要動詞可為原型動詞、現在分詞與過去分詞。

3.唯一例外的情況便是助動詞與使役動詞,首先講助動詞,可與主要動詞以相同時態出現在句子裏,例如:“Mary can recite the entire lesson from memory.”《 瑪麗能把整篇課文背誦出來》,此處的﹝can﹞主要是用來加強動詞﹝recite﹞的程度,強調瑪麗有能力背誦整篇課文。而使役動詞,則是指使另一個動作發生的動詞,大多數使役動詞後面都接受詞 (名詞或代名詞) 再接不定詞,只有have, make 和 let 後面接名詞或代名詞,再接原形動詞。如:However, she let them skip the final exam. 《然而,她讓他通過期末測驗。》


2007-01-29 17:17:29 · answer #2 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

Situations when Two verbs come together.
Go get Go get my camera.
help do help+ V I want to help you do this job.
make +V Cops make me move on.
You made me cut my hair.

2007-01-29 16:30:29 · answer #3 · answered by 高み 5 · 0 0


恩恩 一個句子裡 就是只能有一個be動詞或一般動詞
就要把後面的動詞 變成動名詞 加上ing
Where are you live (X)
但是把後面 live 改成 living
Where are your living (O) 就可以了
Where are you come from? (X)
Where do you come from? (O)

Where are you coming from
所以不改後面 前面BE動詞就要用助動詞代替
Where are you from


2007-01-29 16:21:24 · answer #4 · answered by Daria Lai 2 · 0 0

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