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Breve Elegía

Los ojos están vencidos de esperar.
El viento no ha congelado
los corazones todavía,
pero la lluvia golpea
los cuerpos sin tregua
mientras ecos lejanos
atraviesan senderos
como niños perdidos.

Vacío y polvoriento
no ha quedado nada en pie
mas banderas rotas ondean
en la pequeña capilla
saludando a los rendidos.

Es tarde, pero las almas
están impacientes por volver
al frío sin saber
que fantasmas esperan
en algún punto del camino.

Los relojes dejaron de latir
y los hombres se agolpan
en la plaza para llorar
y lamer sus heridas de guerra
mientras palomas negras
cruzan en silencio.

Fuego y espadas irrumpen como buitres
implacables en los cuerpos abatidos
y lágrimas rojas corren otra vez
por las piedras hasta el río.

Paraje infértil y sepulcro infinito
de cráneos y sombras blancas.

¿Cuándo volverán los caballos
y las casas y las voces cálidas?


2007-01-27 07:26:03 · 12 respuestas · pregunta de Anonymous en Sociedad y cultura Idiomas

traducir al inglés,perdón por no mencionarlo

2007-01-27 07:48:11 · update #1

12 respuestas

Brief elegy

Eyes are tired of waiting
The wind has not blown to froze
Yet those hearts
But the rain falls down
Restlessly on to the bodies
While distant echoes
Run through paths
Like lost children

Small town
Empty and full of dust
Nothing but the ragged flags is standing
Flapping on top of the chapel
Saluting those surrendered

It is dawn, but souls are impatient to go back
To the cold without knowing
Those ghosts waiting
Somewhere in the middle of the road

Clocks stopped beating
And men run in crowds to the square to cry and ease their wounds after the battle
While black pigeons
Quietly fly over

A burst
Fire and swords break like vultures
Merciless into the casualties
And red teardrops run through once again
Among rubble till the river

Fruitless landscape and endless grave
Of skulls and white shadows

When will horses ride back again, houses and warm voices?

2007-01-27 16:38:35 · answer #1 · answered by Joel T 4 · 0 0

The eyes are exhausted of waiting.
The wind has not frozen
not the hearts yet,
but the rain hits
the bodies without truce
while distant echoes
cross paths
as lost childrens.

Empty and powdery
nothing has left in foot
but broken flags wave
in the little chapel
greeting the falling ones.

It is late, but the souls
are impatient to return
to cool zone without knowing
that ghosts are waiting
on the road.

The clocks stopped to beat
and the men crowded together
in the square to cry
and to lick their war wounds
while black doves
cross in silence.

Fire and swords come over as vultures
without mercy on the depressed bodies
and red tears runs again
over the stones up to the river.

Steril Place and infinite tombs
of skulls and white shades.

When the horses will come back
and the houses and the soft voices?

2007-01-27 16:58:18 · answer #2 · answered by Fedruida 7 · 1 0

Os olhos estão vencidos de esperar.
O vento não congelouos
corações ainda,
mas a chuva golpeiaos
corpos sem trégua
enquanto ecos longínquos
atravessam caminhos
como meninos perdidos.
Esvaziamento e polvorento
não ficou nada em pé
mas bandeiras rompidas ondeiam
na pequena capela
saudando aos rendidos.
É tarde, mas as alma
sestão impacientes por voltar
ao frio sem saber
que fantasmas esperamem
algum ponto do caminho.
Os relógios deixaram de batere
os homens se agolpanna
praça para chorare
lamber suas feridas de guerra
enquanto pombas negras
cruzam em silêncio.
Fogo e espadas irrompem como abutres
implacáveis nos corpos abatidose
lágrimas vermelhas correm outra vez
pelas pedras até o rio.
Lugar infértil e sepulcro infinito
de crânios e sombras brancas.
Quando voltarão os cavalose
as casas e as vozes cálidas?


2007-01-28 02:27:12 · answer #3 · answered by ANI_DESIGN 1 · 0 0

esta larguisimo bro... el español es un hermoso idioma para q lo traduces?? los poemas en ingles no se oyen tan bien, talvez en frances =O

2007-01-28 02:03:15 · answer #4 · answered by jorge r 2 · 0 0

Ahí va mi traducción, sólo q no tengo acá un diccionario ESpañol-Inglés, y no sé cómo se dice "buitre", no tenés más que buscar esa palabra.

The eyes are tired of waiting
The wind hasn´t still
frozen the hearts,
but the rain hits
the bodies without pause
while far away echoes
go through roads
like lost children.

Empty and dusty
there´s nothing left up
but torn flags wave
in the small chapel
greeting the defeated ones.

It is late, but the souls
are eager to come back
to the coldness
without knowing
that ghosts wait
at some point on the road.

The clocks gave up beating
and the men crowd
in the square to cry
and leak their war wounds
while black pigeons
cross in silence.

Fire and swords show up like buitres
implacable into the fallen bodies
and red tears run again
across the stones to the river.

Infertile area and infinite grave
of cranes and white shadows.

When will the horses come back
and the houses and the warm voices?

2007-01-27 23:28:41 · answer #5 · answered by fabiana l 3 · 0 0

si te interesa que traduzca mandame un mail

Una probadita:
It's late, but souls
are impacient to return
to the cold unknowing
that ghosts await
somewhere in the path.

2007-01-27 17:07:47 · answer #6 · answered by Gemy curiosa 3 · 0 0

esa es la realidad en q vivimos : la guerra ... el ser humano no dejara de sufrir hasta q acepte de una vez x todas q es inutil combatir contra nosotros mismos mira q la muerte está tan segura de su victoria, que nos da toda una vida de ventaja x eso hay q disfrutar la vida y hacer lo posible para q el mundo en el q vivamos sea mejor y alcanzar la inmortalidad a traves de nuestras acciones ..... muy bonita poesia me llego U_u*

2007-01-27 15:41:52 · answer #7 · answered by dannica d 1 · 0 0

tu poema habla acerca de la guerra no? de las familias k speran por los k se fueron alla algo asi?

2007-01-27 15:40:33 · answer #8 · answered by crema. 6 · 0 0

que es autoria?

2007-01-27 15:35:44 · answer #9 · answered by alex 3 · 0 0

Traducir a que?

2007-01-27 15:34:31 · answer #10 · answered by Nanita 5 · 0 0

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