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2007-01-23 19:55:38 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 lol 1 in 教育與參考 出國留學

1 個解答

在面試過程中如果是「支支吾吾」、「有口難言」(英語2級或弱3)的同學,一定要參加Job Fair,並務必取得「美國工讀入場券」,前往美國從事「勞務」工作,藉以融入美國的職場,提昇英語聽說的能力。通過這一關的同學,將會一飛沖天,請千萬不要放棄這個千載難逢的機會,以免後悔莫及。

為了幫助同學順利在Job Fair取得入場卷,特別模擬雇主可能問到的考古題,請務必要與同學相互演練,兩位同學各扮演雇主與工讀生的角色,輪流互換,直到自己的英語「脫口而出」,有Talk Show(脫口秀)的實力為止,保證你會被美國雇主錄用。

Job Fair美國雇主問題模擬

 Please introduce yourself.
Please give me a brief introduction of yourself.
 Why do you want to work in the US?
What is the purpose of you going to work in the US this summer?
 What work experience do you have?
What kind of jobs have you done in the past?
What can you do in the US (United States)?
What would you like to do in the US?
 How long can you work in America?
How long can you stay with us?
How soon can you join us?
When will you leave us?
When can you leave for the States?
When do you plan to return to Taiwan?
 Can you work overtime?
Are you prepared to work overtime?
 Are you strong enough to do heavy work?
Are you physically fit to perform heavy duty?
 How much money do you expect to make this summer?
How much do you intend to earn this time?
 Do you want to take this job?
Would you like to accept this offer?

2007-01-25 20:02:37 · answer #1 · answered by peter3366peter 1 · 0 0

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