1.This was the so-called Esperanza fire of October 26, 2006 near Palm Springs, California.
2.This particular aircraft was able to very quickly acquire and disseminate very accurate info about where fire was on the ground.
上句中''able to very quickly acquire''應該可以寫成''able to acquire ver y quickly'',我看蠻多文章都習慣把副詞放前面,此用法是否有加強
3.This really tuned it in to exactly where the fire was and how it was behaving while the aircraft was loitering over the fire.
上句的''it''是指where the fire was and how it was behaving while the aircraft was loitering over the fire.這整個句子,還是僅僅指''where the fire was and how it was behaving''呢?
2007-01-18 04:53:49 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 ken3333 2 in 社會與文化 ➔ 語言
因為''tune...in to''有著讓..保持著最新資訊"
2007-01-18 12:16:54 · update #1
2007-01-18 12:18:19 · update #2
1. "on + 確切日期" 的介係詞片語用法屬副詞的範疇,它是用來修飾句中動詞而非名詞的:
A terrible fire broke out on October 26, 2006.
若要指涉某一時間的事情(強調名詞概念的事情)時,則用 "of + 時間(籠統的時間或確切的日期皆可)",此時的 of 片語是當作形容詞來用的,故可以修飾前面的名詞:
We still remember the terrible fire of (October 26,) 2006.
2. 我倒不認為是跟語氣強弱有關。
第二句牽涉到的是修辭的問題,早期寫作強調不定詞前加上副詞是不好的寫法:to + Adv. + V;而應該要至於不定詞後。但隨著時間演進,這兩種寫法已經都被接受了。
不過在你所給的句子中,寫在前是比寫在後為佳的。理由是very quickly這個副詞片語所修飾的不是只有acquire這個動詞而已,還包含對等連接詞 and 後 disseminate 這個動詞,而且動詞後面還有受詞及about所接的名詞子句這麼長一串的結構,共同合成一個不定詞片語。
3. 這句話有兩個 it 耶,你指的是哪一個?
若是第一個 it 的話,你應該要給上文才可以確定。但可以肯定的是它不是虛受詞,所以它是不會代替或指涉後面的子句的(不管是哪個子句都一樣)。
至於第二個 it,我想這裡所指的應該是 the fire 吧:
This really tuned it into exactly where the fire was and how it was behaving while the aircraft was loitering over the fire.
這句話中有兩個名詞片語 where the fire was 跟 how it was behaving,由對等連接詞 and 連接作為介係詞 into 的受詞,以平行結構來看,這裡所描述的事件(the fire),以及對稱結構中的代名詞 it 所指涉的應該是同一事物才對。
2007-01-18 17:41:47 補充:
是啊,就是指UAV,不過在上句話裡,確切的指涉對象是 this particular aircraft (其實都是指一樣的東西)。
2007-01-18 08:11:48 · answer #1 · answered by Adam 7 · 0⤊ 0⤋