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動物保育的議題在現今社會中日趨重要,而動物園的設置,也是一直在扮演著這種保育動物的角色。但是早期的管理方式已不敷使用,雖然動物不用為了生存的問題煩惱,但卻也因此剝奪了牠們在野外應有的生活行為、適應能力、以及危機處理的能力(戴,2003),。因此讓動物行為豐富化(behavioral enrichment),便可以讓園區的動物得以表現原本的自然行為以降低不正常的刻板行為(Stereotypical behaviors)。而在此要以台灣獼猴為例,觀察台北市立木柵動物園在實施行為以及環境豐富化之後,對於牠們而言,是否真的有幫助?是否延長了牠們覓食時間?最後再來探討,目前動物園應如何持續改善行為豐富化的措施與應用,並以國外的動物園進行比較,在此提供未來之可行方案的參考。

2007-01-17 22:57:51 補充


2007-01-17 18:03:07 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Yi Ming 2 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

動物保育的議題在現今社會中日趨重要,而動物園的設置,也是一直在扮演著這種保育動物的角色。但是早期的管理方式已不敷使用,雖然動物不用為了生存的問題煩惱,但卻也因此剝奪了牠們在野外應有的生活行為、適應能力、以及危機處理的能力(戴,2003),。因此讓動物行為豐富化(behavioral enrichment),便可以讓園區的動物得以表現原本的自然行為以降低不正常的刻板行為(Stereotypical behaviors)。而在此要以台灣獼猴為例,觀察台北市立木柵動物園在實施行為以及環境豐富化之後,對於牠們而言,是否真的有幫助?是否延長了牠們覓食時間?最後再來探討,目前動物園應如何持續改善行為豐富化的措施與應用,並以國外的動物園進行比較,在此提供未來之可行方案的參考。

The subject that the animal raises is gradually important in the society of the present, and the constitution of the zoo is also the role that has been being playing this kind of conservation animal.But the management method of the earlier period have already been not enough to use, although the animal doesn't use for the sake of the problem agony of[with] existence, but also therefore deprived the outside of their not in power and should have of living behavior, orientation ability, and crisis processing of ability(wear, 2003), .So let the animal behavior enrich to turn(the behavioral enrichment), can can let the animal of the park area express inflexible behavior(the Stereotypical behaviors) of since low abnormality of original natural behavior then.And want to take Taiwanese rhesus macaque as an example here, observe a Taipei municipal wooden fence zoo after carrying out the behavior and environment to enrich to turn, for they and talk, whether really do good?Whether prolonged them to look for food time?End again to inquire into, the zoo improves behavior to enrich to turn what if and contiguously currently of measure and application, and with abroad of the zoo carry on a comparison, provide future it and can go the reference of the project here.


2007-01-19 12:53:13 · answer #1 · answered by 怡廷 6 · 0 0

The topic of animal's child care is becoming more important in the society now, and the establishment of the zoo, keep acting the part of this kind of child care animal. But the early management style has not applied using yet, though the animal does not need worried for the question of surviving, but has also deprived the ability that they deal with the due life behavior , adaptive capacity , and crisis of field (wear, 2003),. So let animal's behavior be enriched and melted (behavioral enrichment), can let the animal of the garden display the original natural behavior in order to reduce the abnormal mechanical behavior (Stereotypical behaviors). And will take macaque of Taiwan as an example here, will observe the municipal paling zoo of Taipei after implementing the behavior and environment and melting abundantly, as to them, really helpful? Do they look for food time after lengthening? The discussion comes afterwards, how the zoo at present improves the behavior and enriches the measure and application that melts continuously, and compare with the zoo of foreign countries, offer the reference of the feasible track case in the future here.

2007-01-18 05:15:51 · answer #2 · answered by 小珊 3 · 0 0

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