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tra la donna orientale e quella occidentale c'è molta differenza a partire dalla posizione che rivesete in occidente la donna ha assunto un ruolo quasi pari a quello dell'uomo, può andare a votare, svolgere qualsiasi attività lavorativa, può guidare, onseguire un laurea e soprattutto non viene considerata inferiore all'uomo. in oriente le donne vengono trattate completamente in modo diverso, innanzitutto devo vestiri secondo regole che gli vengono imposte spesso anhe contro la loro volontà,per esempio il velo che mettono per coprire l testa o il burca,invece in occidente le donne, specialmente le ragzze indossano magliette sempre più scollate e gonne sempre più corte, una ragazza oientale non si sognerebbe minimamente di vestirsi come una donna occidentale. dopo c'è da dire che in oriente una donna non puiò guidare una macchina, non può laurears, non può lavorare e non può farsi curare da un medico uomo, non può uscire di cas se nn accompagnata da suo marito

2007-01-16 08:27:28 · 5 risposte · inviata da tremenda 4 in Società e culture Lingue

5 risposte

guarda...qllo ke hanno dtt loro...molte cose nn sono giuste....ti consiglio di andare su www.altavista.it....e cliccare babel fish e li traduci in un minuto"!!!! ciao

2007-01-17 20:28:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

among the westren and oriental women there area huge difference,s, considering as examples the role of the western woman in the western world as almost equal to the men..mi sono rotto i ********.
ti do un consiglio.
non tradurre letteralmente da italiano a onglese. sintetizza e semplifica i concetti come prima cosa e poi traduci in inglese. se fai attenzione alla mia (breve) traduzione, ti ho fatto un esempio.
un altro consiglio e' fattela da solo/a

2007-01-16 08:34:00 · answer #2 · answered by ddt77ta 4 · 2 0

There's a lot of difference between the eastern woman and the western one starting from the position that she has in the west side woman has a role similar to man's, she can vote, she can do every kind of job, she can drive, graduate and most of allshe isn't considered inferior to man.
In the east side women are trated completely in a different way, above all they have to wear following rules that are usually ...
scusa...avevo cominciato...ma faccio fatica a seguire l'Italiano... mancano pause e i periodi risultano troppo lunghi...senza contare le continue ed inutili ripetizioni...
se magari lo riscrivi correttamente...
scusami di nuovo!

2007-01-18 01:28:45 · answer #3 · answered by 神威 kamui 4 · 0 0

There are many differences between Oriental woman and Western woman, starting with their positions in society, as in the West the woman has assumed a role practically the same as that of the man, having the right to vote,to do just about any job, being able to drive, to obtain academic qualifications and, above all, not being considered as inferior to men. In the East women are treated completely differently: first of all they have to dress in a style which is imposed upon them, often against their inclinations: for example, the veil, which they wear to cover their heads or the burka; whereas in the West girls wear increasingly skimpy bathing suits and ever shorter skirts. An Oriental girl would not dream of dressing like a Western woman. Moreover, in the East a woman is not allowed to drive a car, she is not allowed to study at university, she is not allowed to follow a career and she is not even allowed to receive medical treatment from a male doctor, and she may not leave the house unless she is accompanied by her husband.

2007-01-16 09:31:52 · answer #4 · answered by Doethineb 7 · 1 1

There's a big difference between Eastern women and Western women, starting from the fact that in the West, women have assumed a role almost equal to the man's [role]. She can vote, undertake almost any role at work, drive, get a degree, and above all she isn't considered inferior to men. In the East, women get treated quite differently. Firstly, they have to dress according to rules that are imposed on them against their will, for example, the veil they wear as a headcovering or the burka. In the West, on the other hand, women - and especially young women - wear tops which get ever lower cut and skirts which are growing ever shorter [nota presente continuativo con "ever" in questo senso]. An eastern girl would never dream for one moment of dressing like a westerner. And then it has to be said that in the East, a woman can't drive a car, can't get a degree, can't work and can't get medical care from a male doctor, neither can she leave her home unless accompanied by her husband.
Sono costretto ad aggingere che questo brano e' fin troppo generalizzata - per "Oriente" qui, s'intenderebbe forse "Medio-Oriente", che non e' mica vero dell'estremo Oriente. Le gonne delle cinesi sono quasi svanite!

2007-01-16 08:44:12 · answer #5 · answered by Cosimo )O( 7 · 1 1

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