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io ho una fobia in particolare, quella per gli insetti.non so da cosa possa dipendere, forse da un piccolo trauma, oppure da fobie trasmesse da altre persone.
la fobia è irrazionale, quindi è difficile spiegare da cosa possa dipendere. gli insetti che più non sopporto sono i ragni e le api.l'ultima volta che ho visto un ragno è stato qualche giorno fa; appena ho visto quel coso mi sono messa a urlare e a correre per tutta la casa.
per quanto riguarda la paura possiamo dire che ha un significato diverso dalla fobia, partendo dal fatto che non è irrazionale.le cose che mi fanno più paura sono quelle che non conosco, come ad esempio il mio futuro. quando infatti penso al futuro mi viene un gran senso di paura che per il momento riesco a controllare.

2007-01-15 07:19:44 · 8 risposte · inviata da Anonymous in Società e culture Lingue

8 risposte

I've got a particulair phobia, the one towards insects. I don't know what could it depend on, maybe on a light trauma, or on phobias passed over by other people.
Phobia is irrational, so it's difficult to explain what could it depend on. The insects I hate most are spiders and bees. The last time I've seen a spider I started screaming and running around the house. Concerning fear we could say that it has a different meaning from phobia, because it is not irrational. The things I most fear are the ones I don't know, as for example my future. Infact when i think about my future I feel a great sense of fear which at the moment I manage to control.

2007-01-15 07:32:17 · answer #1 · answered by Drouzy 3 · 1 3

Siete bravissimi, avete trodotto bene, alcuni benissimo. Ma un inglese di madrelingua non l'avrebbe detto esattamente cosi'. Ecco una mia versione ... "I have one phobia in particular, an insect phobia. I don't know what might be the cause of it, perhaps a slight trauma, or maybe it's other people who transmit their fear to me. Phobias are not rational, so it's hard to tell what they might depend on. The insects I hate most are spiders ans bees. The last time I saw a spider was a few days ago. As soon as I saw it, I started screaming and running all over the house. As for fear, we *can* say it means something different from phobia, starting from the fact that fear is not irrational. The things that scare me most are the things I don't know, like my future, for example. Indeed, when I think about the future, a great sense of fear comes upon me, something that I'm managing to keep in check [or managing to control] for now at least." Come vedi, l'inglese e' piu' prolisso dell'italiano: per esempio, vedi come nella prima frase gli inglesi ripeterebbero "phobia" invece di usare un pronome relativo o indefinito. Nell'ultima frase, occorre usare il presente continuativo, se usassi il presente semplice, avresti qualcosa che stonerebbe quasi fosse un ossimoro. Nota anche che la generalizzazione fatta con il nome astratto, spesso singolare in italiano (la fobia e' irrazionale...) e' di solito plurale nei registri meno formali dell'inglese (phobias are irrational...): si puo' dire "phobia is irrational" ma solo nell'inglese aulico, come in una tesi universitaria. Forse la mia versione e' un po' *troppo* "equivalente" per significato. Ti consiglierei di mix and match :-) da due o piu' risposte.

2007-01-15 19:21:35 · answer #2 · answered by Cosimo )O( 7 · 2 1

I have a particular phobia, insects... I don't know where it comes from, maybe from a small trauma or from phobias other people pass by...
Fobias are irrational, so it is difficult to tell what it can depend upon... The insects I can stand less are spiders and bees. Last time I saw a spider was a few days ago, as I saw that thing I started to scream and run all around my house... As far as fear is involved, we can say that it has a different meaning from phobias, assuming that it is not irrational... Things that scare me most are the ones I don't know, such as my future... Actually, when I think about it, I feel a great fear that till now I have been able to face...

Ma i compiti si fanno...

Se ti serve per la scuola prendi la mia o quella di Drousy...

2007-01-15 15:36:59 · answer #3 · answered by Heart of Darkness 6 · 2 1

i have a fobia, a fobia of insects. I don't know of what I can depend on. Maybe of a small trauma, or maybe a fear of transmitting from other people. It is an irrational fobia, e therefore it is difficult to explain of what i can depend on. The insects that i am afraid of the most are spiders and bees. The last time that i saw a spider was a couple of days ago. As soon as i saw this spider, i started to scream and run all around the house. For when i looked at the fear later, I can say that is significantly different that the fobia, because it is not irrational. The things that make me the most scared are the things that i don't know, for example, my future. When I actually think about the future, i have a big sense of fear because I can actually control the moment.

2007-01-15 17:22:28 · answer #4 · answered by Ale 1 · 0 1

paura : afraid of; scared (terrorizzata).
fobia: phobie
e sorry, ma chiudo qua!

2007-01-15 15:35:01 · answer #5 · answered by Mallory 2 · 1 2

ma è tremeeendo..................

2007-01-15 15:28:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Tu, a che punto sei arrivato/a con la traduzione?

2007-01-15 15:25:49 · answer #7 · answered by ! 6 · 0 2

I have particularly a phobia, that for the insetti.nons I know from thing can depend, perhaps from a small trauma, or from phobias transmitted by other people.
phobia is irrational, therefore it is difficult to explain from thing can depend. the bugs that more I don't bear they are the spiders and the api.l'ultimas turns that I have seen a spider you/he/she has been some days ago; I have just seen that cosos I have started howling and to race for the whole house.as it regards the fear we can say that a different meaning has from the phobia, departing from the fact that it is not irrazionale.le things that do me more fear they are those that I don't know, as for instance my future. when in fact I think about the future it comes me a big sense of fear that for the time being I succeed in checking.
spero per te vada bene!!!!!ciao

2007-01-15 15:32:00 · answer #8 · answered by Nunzia 3 · 1 6

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