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因考期將近 急需要幾個常用的片語和轉折語,


1.put off:延期

2.put out:拿出







(that is 、in the other words換言之、similary同樣的...等等)


(after all、to sum up....等等)



2007-01-13 18:21:38 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 1 in 社會與文化 語言

4 個解答

put an end to sth.結束
put aside把‧‧‧放在一邊
put away 收拾、貯存
put back 把...放回原處
put down 鎮壓
put off延遲
put on穿
put on weight增重
put it across/over sb.責備某人
put off拖延
put on穿上、戴上
put out熄滅
put together裝配
put up建造
put up with容忍

take after與...相似
take away帶走、拿走
take back退還
take care of照顧
take down取下、寫下
take in欺騙
take off脫下、起飛
take on sb.呈現、承擔、僱用
take out取出
take part in參與
take place發生
take turns輪流
take up攻讀、佔據空間
take sth up with sb.諮商

look after照顧
look at看
look down on輕視
look for尋找
look forward to盼望
look through識破
look up查詢
諺語:look before you leap三思而後行

get ahead進展、領先
get along進展、有進步
get around逃避、說服
get away from sb/sth逃避
get away with sth逃避懲罰
get back回來、取回
get down吞下、使沮喪
get down to開始認真對待
get in到達
get in touch with和‧‧‧連絡(可換成keep)
get off下車
get on進展、上車
get out洩漏、出版
get out of逃避、棄絕
get over恢復、克服
get through結束、完成、遭受、通過、實現
get together聚集
get up起床

stay away from/off/out遠離(可換成keep)
stay up熬夜

break away/down/through逃脫/打破/突破
break in調整、適應
break into闖入
break loose掙脫
break off折斷、終止、斷絕
break out爆發
break up打碎

set fire to sth./set sth. on fire放火/焚燒
set forth出發、提出
set sb. off送行
set out出發、開始

stand a chance有希望
stand for代表
stand out顯著、傑出
stand up起立、經得起
stand sb. up與某人爽約
stand up for sb./sth.支持、維護

make believe假裝
make faces扮鬼臉
make friends交友
make fun of嘲笑
make good成功
make good time(短期間)高速行駛
make no difference沒關西、沒什麼區別
make out表現、成功、理解、寫出、假裝
make over 改造、翻新、轉讓
make room for sb./sth.讓位/騰出空間給某人或物
make sence合理、有意義
make sure確定、務必
make the best of逆來順受
make up補償、和解、捏造、化妝
make up one's mind下定決心

run across/into sb(sth)不期而遇
run away逃跑
run errends跑腿
run out of用完
run over輾過
run up to跑到

keep an eye on留意
keep house做家事
keep/bear in mind記住
keep on繼續
keep one's hand保持冷靜
keep track of跟蹤
keep up維持再同一水平
keep up with趕上

hold off延遲
hold on抓牢、等候
hold out寄予、忍耐、維持、抵抗
hold over延期
hold still保持靜止、仍然
hold up持槍搶劫、耽擱

on the other hand另一方面來說(前面搭配on the one hand)
in other words換言之
on the contrary相反地
what's worse更糟的是
as if好像‧‧‧

as a result結果
after all畢竟
in short總而言之
sum up總結
above all尤其
as a whole整個看來


2007-01-20 11:08:47 補充:
補:in addition to可放在句中當承接語

2007-01-20 05:59:21 · answer #1 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0



2014-08-08 06:42:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0



2014-07-23 01:41:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0



2014-07-20 20:44:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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