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這篇報導是來自China Post
Rebar HQ, (affiliates raided), (execs quizzed)
Around 200 (Investigation Bureau) (inspectors and prosecutors) set off yesterday morning for a (comprehensive raid) of the financially troubled Rebar Asia Pacific Group. The police raided the conglomerate's head offices and affiliated units, as well as the residences of family members of the group founder Wang You-theng.

Wang and his wife had already fled to China before the (prosecution ordered ban on travel) went into affect which prevents (key executives) and associates of the firm from leaving Taiwan.

The search was decided upon a day earlier during a special meeting held by Kuan Chuang-cheng, chief prosecutor of the (Taipei District Prosecutors Office), along with four other prosecutors assigned to take charge of the Rebar case, Investigation Bureau inspectors, and (Financial Supervisory Commission) officials.

Investigators and prosecutors questioned over 40 top executives of the Rebar Group and its affiliates, including Wang Ling-yi, son of Wang You-theng and president of Chia Hsin Food & Synthetic Fiber; Wang Ling-chiao, another son of the senior Wang and vice president of The Chinese Bank.
The senior Wang's (father-in-law), King Shui-ho, was released on a bail of NT$200,000. King allegedly served as a (surrogate borrower) for loans at The Chinese Bank.

They also seized around 50 boxes of (accounting records, financial statements, and trading documents), which are believed to hold evidence of wrongdoing on the part of the Wangs.

2007-01-12 06:15:10 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 拼出貨速度快,拼品質優,拼回覆快 5 in 社會與文化 語言


2007-01-12 06:19:43 · update #1

2 個解答

Around 200 (Investigation Bureauinspectors and prosecutors調查局幹員及檢察官) set off yesterday morning for a (comprehensive raid徹底的搜查) of the financially troubled Rebar Asia Pacific Group. The police raided the conglomerate's head offices and affiliated units, as well as the residences of family members of the group founder Wang You-theng.

Wang and his wife had already fled to China before the (prosecution ordered ban on travel下令限制住居) went into affect which prevents (key executives主要的執行者) and associates of the firm from leaving Taiwan.

The search was decided upon a day earlier during a special meeting held by Kuan Chuang-cheng, chief prosecutor of the (Taipei District Prosecutors Office台北地檢署), along with four other prosecutors assigned to take charge of the Rebar case, Investigation Bureau inspectors, and (Financial Supervisory Commission金管會行政院金融監督管理委員會) officials.

Investigators and prosecutors questioned over 40 top executives of the Rebar Group and its affiliates, including Wang Ling-yi, son of Wang You-theng and president of Chia Hsin Food & Synthetic Fiber; Wang Ling-chiao, another son of the senior Wang and vice president of The Chinese Bank.
The senior Wang's (father-in-law岳父), King Shui-ho, was released on a bail of NT$200,000. King allegedly served as a (surrogate borrower借款人頭) for loans at The Chinese Bank.

They also seized around 50 boxes of (accounting records, financial statements, and trading documents會計帳冊,財務報表和交易紀錄), which are believed to hold evidence of wrongdoing on the part of the Wangs.

2007-01-12 12:42:36 · answer #1 · answered by uncle sean 7 · 0 0

雷巴爾HQ,(分支機構被突襲) ,(行政人員被提問)
在200(調查局)年左右 (檢查員和起訴人) 昨天早上出發一次(廣泛的突襲) 在財政上麻煩的雷巴爾亞太組。 警察突襲聯合大企業的總公司並且使單位,以及組創始人王你theng的家庭成員的住宅附屬於。

王和他的妻子已經給中國逃離在之前(原告預訂在旅行上禁止) 去影響哪個防止(主要執行者) 以及從離開台灣的公司的同事。

搜尋決定要一日子早在由Kuan Chuang-cheng,(台北地區起訴人辦公室)的首席檢察官舉行的一特別會議期間 ,因為4 其他起訴人分發照管雷巴爾箱,調查局檢查員和(金融監督委員會) 官員。

調查者和起訴人詢問超過雷巴爾組和它的分支機構的40位總經理, 王你theng 和Chia Hsin 食品和合成纖維的總統的兒子,包括王凌yi; 王凌chiao,進階王的另一個兒子和中國銀行的副總裁。
進階王(公公) , 的金Shui,被在一個200,000新台幣的保證人上釋放。 據說作為的國王一個(代理人借款人) 對於在中國銀行的債款來說。

他們也在50 盒(給記錄,財務報表和貿易資料說明)左右被卡住 ,被相信拿王一家的不正當的行為的證據。


2007-01-12 06:26:36 · answer #2 · answered by 秋燕 3 · 0 0

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