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請問此英文句型的附加問句如何判別?→中文是:彼得昨天坐計程車上學,不是嗎?英文是:Peter went to school by taxi yesterday, did he?此句型的附加問句的動詞為何用did而不用didn't呢?
〈1〉He has no house to live in.
〈2〉He has no house in which to live.
〈3〉He has no house in which he can live.
〈4〉He has no house where he can live.
另一問題是:中文是一加九等於十。英文是:One plus nine makes ten.其中makes字尾為何要加s〈因為不是第3 人稱現在式動詞才要加s嗎〉?謝謝回答這3個問題!

2007-01-12 16:18:53 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

1. 與一般您所熟的規則不同, 是嗎? ^_^
肯定句之後用肯定的附加問句, 用來表示:
(一)重複對方之敘述並反問, 表本身之情緒[興趣,關心,驚訝,憤怒...]
You think you are cool, do you?
(二)敘述自己的看法, 然後尋求對方之確認. [本文的句子即是]

He has no house to live in(不定詞片語形容house).
He has no house in which(關係代名詞代表house) to live(子句簡化為不定詞).
He has no house in which(同2) he can live(形容詞子句).
He has no house where(關係副詞, 表"在某處") he can live.

plus 是當介系詞用, 而數字本身視為一個"個體"(不論是 one 還是 nine), 是第三人稱單數. 舉個例子:
The girl with red hair is my sister.
這裡用 is 應該沒疑問吧?
One plus nine makes ten.

2007-01-14 05:40:26 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin 7 · 0 0

英文是:Peter went to school by taxi yesterday, did he?
A:此句型的附加問句的動詞應該要是didn't he?才對喔!!

〈1〉He has no house to live in.
〈2〉He has no house in which to live.
〈3〉He has no house in which he can live.
〈4〉He has no house where he can live.
He has no house which he can live in.
<3>=He has no house in which he can live. (把in放到關代的前面)
<2>=He has no house in which to live. (把主詞和助動詞省略)
<4>where是關係副詞,=in which,用來代替 "in+the+地方"
所以He has no house in which he can live.
  =He has no house here he can live.

另一問題是:中文是一加九等於十。英文是:One plus nine makes ten.其中makes字尾為何要加s〈因為不是第3 人稱現在式動詞才要加s嗎〉? Yes!!!

2007-01-12 20:59:00 · answer #2 · answered by CC 2 · 0 0

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