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1.Girls are dangerous to walk alone in dark alleys.

2.Without patience, you are difficult to learn English.

3.If you want to find a good job, you are necessary to have a good command of English.

4.If you are not convenient to cook, you can buy a lunch box at a convenience store.

5.Few people can bear the crowded traffic in Taipei.

6.Every country’s culture is the most unique.

7.Everyday millions of people surf on the internet.

8.The guidance counselor answered my question friendly.

9.After I attended college, I became independent from my parents in financial aspects.

10.This project is the most impossible to carry out.

2007-01-10 10:03:48 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

4 個解答

1. It is dangerous for girls to walk alone in dark alleys.
原來句子寫的意思會變成說 "女生很危險" 不是 "女生一個人很危險"

2. Without patience, it is difficult to learn English.
原來句子寫的意思會變成說"你很難"不是 "學英文會很難"

3. If you wan tto find a good job, you need to have a good command of English.
原來句子寫的意思會變成說"需要你"不是 "你需要"

4. If your are not convenient at cooking, you can buy a lunch box at a convenience store.

5. Few people can bear the traffic ein Taipei.
講 traffic 大家就知道很擠了 加 crowded 是多餘

6. Every country and culter is unique.
unique 是特別 你不能比什麼更特別 特別就特別 (英文很囉唆的)

7. Everyday, millions of people surf on the internet.
我並不覺得除了逗點 有什麼錯的地方...

8. The counselor answered my question friendly.
counselor 就是要 guide 你 所以加 guidence 多餘

9. After I attended college, I became independent in financial aspects from my parent.
我個人覺得你只有"一"對父母 不是"很多"對父母... 句子順序改一下 意思比較順

10. this project is impossible to carry out.
不可能就是不可能 沒有"最"不可能這種東西 所以 most 不需要

2007-01-10 10:51:43 · answer #1 · answered by Joyce 2 · 0 0


2007-01-22 16:18:34 · answer #2 · answered by ken3333 2 · 0 0


1.Girls are dangerous to walk alone in dark alleys.

改正: It is dangerous for girls to walk alone in dark alleys.

註解: "girls" 並不危險, 所以你這樣的講法是以中文邏輯去想的,
你的意思應該是"對女生們來說, 獨自走在暗廊是危險的",

2.Without patience, you are difficult to learn English.

改正: Without patience, it is difficult for you to learn English.

註解: 這題的思考邏輯跟第一題是一模一樣的,
如果第一題你懂, 這題道理你就能懂了!

3. If you want to find a good job, you are necessary to have a good
command of English.

改正: If you want to find a good job, it is necessary for you to have a
good command of English.

註解: 關鍵在後半句, 而解題技巧跟前面兩題一樣!

4.If you are not convenient to cook, you can buy a lunch box at a convenience store.

改正: If it is not convenient for you to cook, you can buy a lunch box at
a convenience store.

註解: 關鍵在前半句, 而解題技巧跟前面三題一樣!

5.Few people can bear the crowded traffic in Taipei.

改正: Few people can bear the busy/heavy traffic in Taipei.

註解: 你的"crowded"想表達說"繁忙的"意思吧, 那麼改成"busy",

6. Every country and culture is the most unique.

註解: 我感覺沒有錯!

7.Everyday millions of people surf on the internet.

改正: Millions of people surf on the internet everyday.

註解: "everyday"放在前面再加個逗點, 雖然沒錯,
但是念起來不通順, 所以一般習慣將時間副詞放在句尾!

8.The guidance counselor answered my question friendly.

改正: The guidance/counselor answered my question friendly.

註解: "guidance" 跟 "counselor" 這兩個單字意思差不多,
所以在這句話裡, 要嘛用"guidance", 要嘛用"counselor" ,

9.After I attended college, I became independent from my parents

in financial aspects.

註解: 這句話沒有錯, 至於另一位回答"parent"不能加s,
他的回答是錯的, 因為"parent"指的是"雙親之ㄧ",
也就是父親或者是母親, 而你有父母吧,
本來應該"parent" 要加s, 變成"parents", 所以這題沒有錯誤!

10. This project is the most impossible to carry out.

註解: 這題沒有錯誤!

2007-01-10 12:25:49 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

1. Girls are dangerous to walk alone in dark alleys.
It is dangerous for girls to walk alone in dark alleys.

2. Without patience, you are difficult to learn English.
Without patience, it is difficult for you to learn English.

3.If you want to find a good job, you are necessary to have a good command of English.
If you want to find a good job, it is necessary for you to have a good command of English.

4.If you are not convenient to cook, you can buy a lunch box at a convenience store.
If it's not convenient for you to cook, you can buy a lunch box at a convenience store.
5. Few people can bear the crowded traffic in Taipei.
Few people can bear the heavy traffic in Taipei.

6. Every country's culture is the most unique.
unique 既是獨一無二的"獨特",當然沒有比較級或最高級的用法:
Every country's culture is unique.

7.Everyday millions of people surf on the internet.
everyday 連在一起寫是形容詞,分開寫every day是副詞。這句話是時間副詞的用法,所以要分開寫:
Every day millions of people surf on the Internet.

8.The guidance counselor answered my question friendly.
friendly 在正式語法中應為形容詞,故此句放在句尾當副詞用是不正確的寫法。
所以籠統來說本句可以接受,但嚴格來講,寫成in a friendly way,以介係詞片語當作副詞來用的寫法是比較正確的:
The guidance counselor answered my question in a friendly way.

9.After I attended college, I became independent from my parents in financial aspects.
in financial aspects? 挺奇怪的寫法,你要表達經濟上的獨立,用副詞financially 修飾 independent就可以了,倒是independent後介係詞用of才符合習慣用法吧:
After I attended college, I became financially independent of my parents.

10.This project is the most impossible to carry out.
It is impossible to carry out this project.
(沒有something is impossible to V的寫法;只有it is impossible to V的寫法)
若要this project放句首的話,用unlikely寫就可以:
This project is (the) most unlikely to carry out.
(1) it is unlikely to V
(2) something is unlikely to V

2007-01-10 11:57:16 · answer #4 · answered by Adam 7 · 0 0

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