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我想我對 下面幾個比較有興趣


我也不太知道 加拿大 美國這裡的大學是分些什麼
不過 我大概是想要往這些方面走

請大家告訴我 一些有關這些課科系的介紹

還有 推薦的學校... =)


2007-01-08 09:23:05 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 s503042001 5 in 教育與參考 出國留學

1 個解答

you know where you're going, that's good~ better than most first-years entering university
so basically, if you're planning on going into universities, first you need to decide between 1) and 2)or3)
Socialogy and Psychology are usually branch departments in the College of Arts and/or Science
Marketting, finance etc would be part of the College of Commerce
Socialogy, Psychology, Marketting, or Finance...etc would be your chosen Major or Minor (ie, the number of courses relating to a specific topic as laid out in the major/minor requirements listed in the univeristy calendar)
but also note that almost all first-year students take similar courses because there are basic College requirements that should be taken before diving into your chosen major
like... First year english 6 credit courses, math course, humanity, fine arts...etc
and these courses depend on what College you decide to get into (Arts, Science, or Commerce)
for example, first year science students are required to take first year biology, chemisty, some social sciences, maths, stats...
Unlike high school, univerisity classes and direction/field you want to go in are quite flexible, also meaning you have some choices as to what kind of classes you may want to take
once you satisfy all those basic requirements of your degree, then you have to really start and plan the rest 2 or 3 years until graduation (most 3rd and 4th years students already have their courses planned out)
A major is a general area of study, the classes you take during your 3rd and 4th years outline your "specialization" within the major, these courses may also help determine what kind of graduate studies you may want to do
Some employers may also want to look at the specific courses you have taken when applying for a job
specific course information is always located at the latter part of the calendar, where you can see the introduction and description of the course

2007-01-09 13:48:38 補充:
i don't know if this helps.. i do understand the frustration of going into first-year not knowing anything about the university system

2007-01-09 13:48:45 補充:
i can't really give you any advice on the courses because that's your degree... only you know where you want to go (and also i'm in a completely different field of study...)

2007-01-09 13:49:07 補充:
what i can recommend you do is to try to get a hold of calendars of universities you are interested in (almost all of them are online, if not, just request a copy either from your highschool councilor or university website)

2007-01-09 13:49:11 補充:
the calendars contain a massive amount of information which might seem like gibberish for you...

First look for the College you may be interested in, then look at the majors the College offers and the required courses for these majors

2007-01-09 13:54:10 補充:
ah! this is what happens when you copy and paste... =.= this webstie does not accomodate long English answers...
the last sentence before 參考資料: specific course.... should come after the last 補充

2007-01-09 13:54:19 補充:
First look for the College you may be interested in, then look at the majors the College offers and the required courses for these majors
specific course information is always located at the latter part of the calendar, where you can see the introduction and description of the course

2007-01-09 08:47:47 · answer #1 · answered by Takuko 7 · 0 0

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