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1. 揚州,也稱廣陵,在江蘇省,是中國美景江南的一部分
Yangchow, also known as Guang Ling, is in the Jiangsu Province, one part of the most beautiful place named Chiangnan in China.

2. 黃鶴樓在湖北省,所以位在揚州的西邊
The Yellow Crane Tower is in the Hubei Province in China. So it is in the western side of Yangchow.

3. 看看這些照片,多美呀!可以想像得到春天時江南的揚州景色有多麼怡人!
Look at these pictures.Aren't they gorgeous? Especially the spring time!


2007-01-07 12:13:23 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 Piman 1 in 社會與文化 語言

1. the southern shore of Yangtze River可以說成
the southern PARTS of Yangtze River或
the southern PLACES of Yangtze River嗎?

2. the Yellow Crane Tower located at Wuhan City 可以說成
the Yellow Crane Tower locats at Wuhan City嗎?

2007-01-07 15:23:00 · update #1

3. 第三句裡的照片是轉寄信件裡面所傳的,看得出是江南美景或園林建築,但不確定是在揚州拍的。因為我想再加入李白的"黃鶴樓送孟浩然之廣陵",所以說:這些照片很美,可以想像得到春天時江南的揚州景色有多麼怡人!因此這句可能是:
Look at these pictures, aren't the sceneries gorgeous? They may remind you how beautiful the scenery is in Yangchow in spring.

2007-01-07 15:23:29 · update #2

4. 這封轉寄信件只有照片,我要加入文字配在旁邊再轉寄出去,這樣會牽涉到智慧財產權的問題嗎?(原始信件的末後附加一段說明:感謝原始寄件與轉寄者分享,這是轉寄郵件~~保護好友,轉寄前請將我的帳號刪除,並請使用~密件傳送)

2007-01-07 15:23:46 · update #3

1 個解答

Diana ( 初學者 5 級) :英文作文或翻譯,「沒有錯誤」固然重要,但是是不是通順易懂,也很重要。我試著去掌握妳中文的意義,去改寫成英文。把兩者比較一下,希望你能體會出二者的差異。
1. 揚州,也稱廣陵,在江蘇省,是中國美景江南的一部分 。
你的英文翻譯緊釘住中文原文結果句型變得破碎,而且主動詞放錯了位置。應該改成Yangchow, also known as Guangling, which is a city of Jiangsue Provice in China, is a part of Jiangnan sceneries. 但是一個句切成四段,很難消化。所以我建議改成兩個獨立的句子:Yangchow, also known as Guangling, is in Jiangsue Province, China. It is a part of the scenic attractions in the southern shore of Yangtze River. 又,江南並非一個地名,而是長江以南的簡稱,所以必須把意思翻譯出來。
2. 黃鶴樓在湖北省,所以位在揚州的西邊
這句話是要表明黃鶴樓在楊州的西邊,沒有用「所以」這個連接詞的必要。所以建議翻譯成:At the west side of Yangchow, the Yellow Crane Tower located at Wuhan City, Hubei Province. 我加上了武漢市,是因為黃鶴樓只是一個景點,而楊州市江蘇省的 一個行政區,所以建議也把黃鶴樓所屬的行政區武漢市標出來才對稱。
3. 看看這些照片,多美呀!可以想像得到春天時江南的揚州景色有多麼怡人! 你的翻譯非常口語化而且生動,是三句中最好的一句。不過有一個小小的錯誤:妳說 "Aren't they gorgeous?" 這個 "they" 是指照片,但最後妳加了 " Especially in the spring time. " 因為這個句子的主詞和代名詞都是指「照片」而不是「照片裡的美景」,結果讀起來變成「這些照片尤其在春天看起來真美」了。
我建議改成 " Look at these pictures shot in Yangchow, aren't the sceneries gorgeous? especially in the spring time."

2007-01-08 10:56:34 補充:
parts、places、甚至 shore也不算自能表達「江南」的概念,因為江南不只是長江南岸」這麼窄的範圍。我建議改用了the wide countries along the southern banks of Yangtze River (長江南岸的廣大鄉間)。parts 不是表示地理空間的名詞,places 是許多地點,但是江南是一片連綿不斷的大地。

2007-01-08 10:58:13 補充:
應該是 the Yellow Crane Tower locats at Wuhan City才對,我疏忽沒注意到。

2007-01-08 11:08:57 補充:
這些照片很美,可以想像得到春天時江南的揚州景色有多麼怡人 我建議的翻譯是 Look at these pictures, aren't the sceneries gorgeous? You could imagine how the changes the spring brings to the vast land in Yangchow and the vast land of southern Yangtze river.

2007-01-07 12:55:55 · answer #1 · answered by 菜英文 7 · 0 0

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