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What does the word thermoconformer mean?

Whereas an organism that thermoregulates is one that keeps its core body temperature within certain limits, a thermoconformer changes its body temperature with changes to the temperature outside of its body.


2007-01-07 03:06:15 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 travelpa 7 in 社會與文化 語言

What kind of regulation? mind tell me the details?

2007-01-08 09:44:18 · update #1

will delete if no more information comes in.

2007-01-11 16:55:45 · update #2

1 個解答


Main Entry: therm-
Variant(s): or thermo-
Function: combining form
Etymology: Greek, from thermE
1 : heat
2 : thermoelectric

Main Entry: con•form
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French conformer, from Latin conformare, from com- + formare to form, from forma form
transitive verb : to give the same shape, outline, or contour to : bring into harmony or accord
intransitive verb
1 : to be similar or identical; also : to be in agreement or harmony -- used with to or with
2 a : to be obedient or compliant -- usually used with to b : to act in accordance with prevailing standards or customs
synonym see ADAPT
- con•form•er noun
- con•form•ism /-'for-"mi-z&m/ noun
- con•form•ist /-mist/ noun or adjective

生物學是觀察歸納演繹的科學﹐既然探測溫度的儀器越來越精密﹐許多原來公認的現象和理論都面臨挑戰。在自然界能夠適應環境溫度變化的有機體只有鳥類和哺乳類等高等動物﹐在討論體溫調節機制時﹐把不涵蓋在討論範圍的種屬賦以一個籠統的名稱 thermoconformer﹐以便用來和真正討論的重點thermoregulates 作一個區分﹐現有的中文“變溫動物”在這裡還算適用。


2007-01-12 16:47:23 補充:
對不起﹐自說自話﹐現在才看到版主問的是What kind of regulation?

Thermoregulation in vertebrates
Variations in the temperature of human beings and some animals
Human temperature variation effects

2007-01-12 17:14:37 補充:
thermoconformer 隨外界溫度變化而造成溫度變化的現象可以歸因於在 同一網址裡Temperature regulation 所談的傳導﹐對流﹐蒸發﹐輻射等。

2007-01-15 04:30:58 補充:
It’s actually my fault to make it so confusing.
To make it clear, this text talks about two categories of organisms:
1) the thermoregulator and
2) the thermoconformer

2007-01-15 04:34:42 補充:
The difference between the two is related to their ability to regulate their body temperature.
A thermoregulator is able to regulate its body temperature.
A thermoconformer is not.

2007-01-12 11:23:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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