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The chronic undersupply of teachers has spawned alternative special education training program, many of which attempt to tap nontraditional pools of teacher candidates, such as retired military personnel and midlife career changers. Although many of these programs are quite rigorous in terms of the courses and field experiences required, not all are. Research on special education alternative programs has shown graduates of some programs to be capable teachers, often as competent and motivated as graduates of traditional programs. Moreover, their competence is associated with the length and intensity of their training. Longer and more rigorous programs have been shown to prepare better teachers than shortcut programs.

Amid concerns for preparing greater numbers of teachers are increasing pressures to improve their competence. Inclusion advocates believe that separate preparation of special and general education teachers does little to help teachers develop the knowledge and skills necessary for implementing inclusive classroom practices. Thus, there has been an increasing movement toward the unified preparation of classroom and special education teachers ─ at least those special education teachers who work with students with mild disabilities. Although some type of collaborative program was present at nearly 200 institutions by beginning of the twenty-first century, critics worry that special education teachers perform will be lost through unification.

2007-01-05 16:59:31 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 栗子 1 in 社會與文化 語言


2007-01-06 18:24:05 · update #1

3 個解答


基於培養大量教師的考量,促進了改善教師素質。許多提倡綜合訓練的人認為,將特教與一般教育教師分別培訓,對於教師為應用在綜合教室實務,而提升專業知識及必要技能的幫助很有限。因此,已逐漸傾向於將教室實務與特教教師的培訓整合為一 ---- 至少教導輕度障礙者的特教教師培訓是如此。雖然在本世紀初,某類型的建教合作計畫已在將近200所校院中實施,評論家卻擔憂特殊教育作法在整合訓練的過程中將會流失。

2007-01-07 20:50:43 補充:

2007-01-07 15:49:28 · answer #1 · answered by hillman 6 · 0 0

I wonder if 小豬 really lives in the US, as stated on the bottom of the answer. I doubt, after reading the first sentence of your translation. Using online translator is the worst way to translate any language into Chinese.

2012-05-15 21:34:49 · answer #2 · answered by peichengc 1 · 0 0

慢性老師不受歡迎產生了供選擇的特殊教育訓練計劃, 許多試圖輕拍老師候選人非傳統的群, 譬如退休的軍事人員和中年事業更換者。雖然許多這些節目是相當嚴謹的根據路線和調遣經驗必需, 不是所有是。對特殊教育選擇計劃的研究像傳統節目的畢業生顯示一些節目的畢業生是可勝任的老師, 經常一樣能幹和有動機。而且, 他們的能力同長度和強度他們的訓練聯繫在一起。更長和更加嚴謹的節目被顯示準備更好的老師比抄近路的節目。

在關心之中為準備老師的更加了不起的數字增加壓力改進他們的能力。包括提倡者相信那特別和大眾教育老師的分開的準備做一點幫助老師開發知識和技能必要為實施包含教室實踐。因而, 有是增長的運動往教室和特殊教育老師的統一的準備? 至少服務與學生以溫和的傷殘的那些特殊教育老師。雖然一些類型合作節目是存在在幾乎200 個機關由21 世紀的初期, 評論家擔心, 特殊教育老師執行將丟失通過統一。

2007-01-05 23:44:27 · answer #3 · answered by islandgirl 5 · 0 0

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