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But if we get to that mountaintop, which I believe we can and should within this generation, we would see another massive summit to climb ahead of us, and that is the challenge of the environmental sustainability of the entire global economic system.
1.''which I believe we can and should within this generation''是個插入句嗎?
2.''that is the challenge of ......這邊的that是指''challenge of the environmental sustainability of the entire global economic system''嗎?

2007-01-05 12:54:49 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 ken3333 2 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

1. 插入語(句)的定義很籠統而且涵蓋範圍很廣,你放在主要子句中以次要地位出現作補充說明的都可以稱為插入語(句),而且通常在移除插入語(句)後還是不影響整句話主要表達內容的,都可以視為是插入語(句)。
所以同位語可以是插入語,形容詞子句(尤以非限定用法為最)可以視為是插入語(句),介係詞片語就擺放位置而已也可以被視為是,還有向if possible, if/when necessary這種常放在句中補充的也都是:
I'll work overtime, if necessary, to get this job done.
穿插入某人看法的 I think, I believe(這一類是最常被視為插入語的)也可以是插入語(句):
The movie, I think, is not worth watching.
Tom broke the vase, which pissed his father off.
. . . which I believe we can and should within this generation
which 為(we get to that mountaintop)這件事,表示我們可以也應該在此世代中達成 (can/should後的動詞省略了,其實指的就是get to the mountaintop)。
這個形容詞子句中,反而I believe更像插入語。
2. that 所指應該是前面的整件事-攀上高峰(get to the mountaintop)後還要再征服另一個高峰(another massive summit to climb);也就是一直有要克服的難題就是一種挑戰:
You should spent at least two hours studying English every day, and that is what I wish you to do.
3. 這句話以隱喻的方式來表現,mountaintop為一個有待克服的難題,another massive summit則為繼之而來的另一個難題。
(Answers to your questions are never short ones. It took me over half an hour to finish this!!)

2007-01-07 00:28:17 補充:
You don't have to be sorry, kenny. If I hadn't wanted to, I wouldn't have. Don't you worry. I'm still willing to answer questions for you if I can.

BTW, I did do something FOR you, but I don't think I had done something TO you. :P

2007-01-06 10:05:09 · answer #1 · answered by Adam 7 · 0 0

I got it! ^_^

2007-01-07 04:01:53 · answer #2 · answered by ken3333 2 · 0 0

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