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قانون إجتماعية و ديمقراطية تحت نظام ملكي برلماني. الملك منصبه فخري و رن و واحدئيس الوزراء هو الحاكم الفعلي للبلاد. البرلمان الإسباني مقسم الى مجلسين واحد للأعيان ( وعدد أعضاء يبل عين و واحد للنواب و عدد نتائج الانتخابات نائب. نتائج الانتخابات الأخير مباشرة من أصبحت الشعبسنوات، بينما كل 4 سنوات، بينما يعين1 عنتخاباتضو من مجلس الأعيان و ينتخب الباقون من الشعب أيضاً. رئيس الوزراء و الوزراء يتم تعيينهم من قبل البرلمان اعتماداً على نتائج الانتخابات النيابية. أهم الأحزاب

2006-12-21 00:07:07 · 17 respostas · perguntado por Anonymous em Educação e Referência Nível Superior

17 respostas

Esse texto é árabe, e tá falando dos resultados de alguma eleição na Arábia:

"The results of the elections deputy. The results of the elections directly from the last Ashaabsnoat, while every four years, while appointed one of the results of the parliamentary elections. Most parties Wallace Asmeksm to one of two objects (and the number of Abhat Shabbaneh be Maih Taiinhmellaeiyannoab law and social and democratic system under a parliamentary monarchy. King and his Fakhri Ren, and Ahdis Minister is the de facto ruler of the country. The Spanish Parliament is divided into two chambers, one of the objects (and the number of members appointed Whipple, one of the deputies and the number of the results of the elections deputy. The results of the elections directly from the latter became Shabsenoat, while every four years, while appointed Antakhabataddou one of the senate and the remainder are elected by the people. The Prime Minister and Cabinet are appointed by the Parliament depending on the results of the elections. Most parties..."

2006-12-21 00:11:48 · answer #1 · answered by Rick 3 · 1 0


2006-12-21 13:50:39 · answer #2 · answered by icequeen 2 · 0 0

Está parecendo árabe.

2006-12-21 01:13:47 · answer #3 · answered by fran 7 · 0 0

Da Repúplica da TRECOLANDIA

2006-12-21 00:41:18 · answer #4 · answered by CHACAL 4 · 0 0

Do Irã

2006-12-21 00:31:23 · answer #5 · answered by ale 6 · 0 0


2006-12-21 00:28:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

os caracteres são arábicos , deve portanto se tratar da língua árabe ou de outra similar.

2006-12-21 00:23:35 · answer #7 · answered by pebuckcat 1 · 0 0

Árabe, ou deve ser de um dos países que ficam ali no oriente médio !!!

2006-12-21 00:17:30 · answer #8 · answered by Ane_pv 2 · 0 0

não consigo identificar mais é do oriente médio...

2006-12-21 00:15:39 · answer #9 · answered by mhyro 3 · 0 0

Árabe, porém não posso traduzir. Entre em contato com alguem de lá pela internet.


2006-12-21 00:12:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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