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sapete quella publicità della d&g dove dice"spicaspica " ecc come si chiama la canzone

2006-12-17 00:38:38 · 8 risposte · inviata da lucciola 1 in Musica e intrattenimento Musica

8 risposte

"Dancefloor" degli Stylophonic... è STUPENDA!!!

2006-12-17 00:41:39 · answer #1 · answered by ★eRRiCo★ K & Q ™ 5 · 0 0

Artista: Stylophonic

Titolo Album: Beatbox Show

Numero Brano: 4

Genere: Electronic

Titolo: Dancefloor

Personalmente penso sia uno spettacolo...ciao...spero di averti aiutato

2006-12-17 01:04:47 · answer #2 · answered by gianlu898 2 · 0 0

Dancefloor" degli Stylophonic

2006-12-17 00:49:55 · answer #3 · answered by Roberta 4 · 0 0

Speaker speaker I'm a dancefloor tell me speaker what is wrong
is it that groove doesn't make you move
is it this sun doesn't make you go round
tell me speaker what sound is coming around

dAncefloor dancefloor dancefloor dancefloor

Speaker speaker I'm a dancefloor tell me speaker what is wrong
is it that groove doesn't make you move
is it this sun doesn't make you go round
tell me speaker what sound is coming around

dAncefloor dancefloor dancefloor dancefloor

Light from the glitterball
music from the dancefloor
Light from the glitterball
music from the dancefloor
Light from the glitterball
music from the dancefloor
Light from the glitterball
music from the dancefloor

Speaker speaker I'm a dancefloor tell me speaker what is wrong
is it that groove doesn't make you move
is it this sun doesn't make you go round
tell me speaker what sound is coming around around around around around around.....

dancefloor dancefloor dancefloor

Tiè il testo

2006-12-17 00:47:47 · answer #4 · answered by Licchia 4 · 0 0

dancefloor dei stylophonic

2006-12-17 00:47:12 · answer #5 · answered by Brian Warren 5 · 0 0

Stylophonic - “Dancefloor”

Ciao ;)

2006-12-17 00:43:01 · answer #6 · answered by bolgiagreca 4 · 0 0

stylophonic dance floor

2006-12-17 00:42:39 · answer #7 · answered by carletto80s 3 · 0 0

stylophonic-dancefloor.......spero sia qst
un bacione

2006-12-17 00:42:28 · answer #8 · answered by ♥Sere♥the♥best♥ 4 · 0 0

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