ex: There is a book on the table which I bought yesterday
這種句型中, 關係代名詞子句修飾的是名詞1還是名詞2?
在美語補習班學英文的時候曾經針對這個問題問過外籍老師, 那時候聽並不是很懂, 好像他的意思是, 介係詞前面的名詞才是重點, 所以關係代名詞子句應該是修飾(名詞1), 但是後來又問過國內的英文老師, 回答則是(名詞2)才對, 實在不曉得誰的答案才是正確的? 不過後來看到一端英文新聞報導的用法:
Early Monday, ... more than 50 people were injured during a STAMPEDEAT a Chicago NIGHT CLUB THAT began after a ....
很顯然的關係代名詞修飾的是stampede (名詞1)而不是 night club(名詞2), 所以說, 英文老師的說法是錯的囉?
2006-12-11 04:56:54 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Jimmy Lee 2 in 社會與文化 ➔ 語言
Early Monday, ... more than 50 people were injured during a stampede at a Chicago night club that began after a ....
介係詞是"at", 打的時候和 stampede連在一起
2006-12-11 05:53:50 · update #1
修飾語(不論是片語或子句)要儘量靠近所修飾的標的, 除非從上下文可以很清楚瞭解語意而不至於產生誤解(就如您所舉的新聞報導).
There is a book on the table which I bought yesterday.
On the table is a book which I bought yesterday.
就這個問題, 以下的資料或許可以讓您更進一步了解.
The tornado, hanging down from a dark cloud, looks like a funnel.
1. 修飾語(不論是片語或子句)要儘量靠近所修飾的標的.
2. 無逗號分隔, 稱為限定用法, 讓讀者知道本句所指出的特定標的.
3. 有逗號分隔, 稱為非限定用法, 只是補充說明而已, 這句修飾語可有可無. 通常可用另一個對等子句表達.
4. 當作形容詞用的關係子句常常簡化為分詞片語, 其用法如同上述 2 & 3.
原句的用字經過排列組合, 可以產生下列結果:
The tornado, which hangs down from a dark cloud, looks like a funnel. (A)
The tornado which hangs down from a dark cloud looks like a funnel. (B)
The tornado, hanging down from a dark cloud, looks like a funnel. (C)
The tornado hanging down from a dark cloud looks like a funnel. (D)
The tornado looks like a funnel, which hangs down from a dark cloud. (E)
The tornado looks like a funnel which hangs down from a dark cloud. (F)
The tornado looks like a funnel, hanging down from a dark cloud. (G)
The tornado looks like a funnel hanging down from a dark cloud. (H)
=The tornado looks like a funnel, and it hangs down from a dark cloud.
這個龍捲風看起來像個漏斗, 它(指"龍捲風")從一朵烏雲延伸而下.
這個龍捲風看起來像個漏斗, 它(指"漏斗")掛在雲下.
(表示有一個真正的漏斗掛在雲下. 語意不對. )
(表示還有其他真正的漏斗, 可能是放在地上的. 語意也不對.)
另外, 作者還提到: "which不是可以代替整句嗎?"
The tornado hangs down from a dark cloud, which looks like a funnel.
其實這句話的主體(to hang down...)已經和原句的主體(to look like...)不同. 不嫌麻煩的話, 一樣可以有八種組合(當然細節會不同), 就不再重複了.
但是代替整句時, 一樣要考慮語意的問題.
上面這句在文法上似乎沒錯, 但是語意變成:
這個龍捲風從一朵烏雲延伸而下, 這朵烏雲看起來像個漏斗.
像漏斗的, 是"龍捲風", 不是"烏雲", 也不是"前面的整句話".
要避免誤解並表達作者提到的用法, 應該這樣寫:
The tornado hangs down from a dark cloud, and that reminds me of a funnel.
< "that" 代表前面的整句話>
如果像以下的句子, 就比較沒有爭議了:
Mary didn't answer the phone, which worried me.
2006-12-11 06:01:34 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin 7 · 0⤊ 0⤋
這句是錯的There is a book on the table which I bought yesterday
如果說昨天買的是書的話是There is a book which I bought yesterday on the table.
除非你說你昨天買的是書你才可以說There is a book on the table which I bought yesterday.
which, that, who 都修飾在關係代名詞前面的字
Early Monday, ... more than 50 people were injured during a STAMPEDEAT a Chicago NIGHT CLUB THAT began after a ....
不然more than 50 people were injured during a STAMPEDEAT a Chicago NIGHT CLUB
a chicago night club 是一個多出的名詞
是 in a chicago night club嗎
There is a book on the table which I bought yesterday
2006-12-11 05:11:40 · answer #2 · answered by 奶爸 6 · 0⤊ 0⤋