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¿Qué es Navidad?

Es amor. Es esperanza. Es fe.
Es alegría.
Es principio de Redención.
Es una etapa de nuestra historia de Salvación.
Es encuentro con Cristo, Niño.
Es conversión y renovación.
Es paz interior.
Es vida nueva.
Es camino que se abre para el tiempo
y para la eternidad.
Es verdad que se alimenta del Amor.
Es vida que fructifica y madura,
sin dejar de nacer siempre.

2006-12-05 12:08:43 · 17 respuestas · pregunta de Anonymous en Sociedad y cultura Idiomas

ehhh... bola de tramposos... usar el traductor...

2006-12-05 12:16:15 · update #1

17 respuestas

no se por que no entraste directamente a http://www2.worldlingo.com/en/products_services/worldlingo_translator.html
What is Christmas?
It is love. It is hope. It is faith.
It is joy.
It is principle of .redemption.
It is a stage of our history of Salvation.
It is encounter with Christ, Boy.
It is conversion and renovation.
It is inner peace.
It is new life.
It is way that is opened for the time
and the eternity.
It is truth that is fed on the Love.
It is life that fructifies and mature,
without letting always be born.

espero q este bien

2006-12-05 12:15:19 · answer #1 · answered by D@nyZ 2 · 0 5

What are Christmas?

They´re love. They´re hope. They´re faith.
They´re joy.
They´re principle of Redemption.
They´re a stage of our history of Salvation.
They´re encounter with Christ, Kid.
They´re conversion and renovation.
They´re inner peace.
They´re new life.
They´re the road that opens up for the time
and for the eternity.
They´re the truth that feeds from Love.
They´re the life that fructifies and matures
without stopping to always be born.

2014-11-20 08:49:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What is Christmas?

I'ts love. I'ts hope. I'ts faith.
I'ts joy.
I'ts the beggining of Redemption.
I'ts a stage of our story of Salvation.
I'ts an encounter with Baby Christ.
I'ts conversion and renovation.
I'ts interior peace.
I'ts new life
I'ts a road that opens for time
and eternity.
I'ts truth that feeds of Love.
I'ts life that fructifies and matures,
without stopping birth always.

2006-12-06 18:21:39 · answer #3 · answered by Alfonso 5 · 0 1

No, no lo voy a traducir. Pero... ¿por qué la poesía tuvo que volverse holgazana y olvidarse de la rima?
¿O... nos quisieron vender la idea que todo texto cortado en varios renglones es una poesía?
Cuando la verdadera poesía se traduce... sólo quedan las ideas... y el sentimiento se pierde.

2006-12-05 20:24:12 · answer #4 · answered by kamelåså 7 · 1 3

What's Christmas?
It's love. It's hope. It's faith.
It's happiness.
It's the begining of Redemption.
It's a moment of our story of salvation.
It's the meeting with crist, child.
Its change and renovation.
It's inside peace.
It's new life.
It's a road that opens for time and eternity.
It´s truth that feeds love.
It's life that grows without giving up born always.

2006-12-05 22:43:48 · answer #5 · answered by Melinita 3 · 0 3

What is Christmas?

It is Love. It is Hope. It is Faith.
It is Happiness.
It is the begining of Redemption.
It is a stage in the history of our Salvation.
It is an encounter with Christ, a Child.
It is convertion and renovation.
It is inner peace.
It is a new life.
It is a path that opens for time
and for eternity.
It is truth that feeds on Love.
It is life that blooms and matures,
..........................................Hay un problema con la ultima frase de esta poesia. La cosas no "nacen siempre". Solo nacen una vez. Despues de eso se llama "renacer". En ingles: "renew". Osea, que te puedo dar una traduccion mas o menos asi: always renewing itself.
Como dice el dicho italiano: "traduttore, traidore" (traductor, traidor) Y a los que dicen que la traduzcas con google, les recuerdo que al traducir no se puede siempre traducir literalmente, pues a veces pierde el sentido.
Espero que te sirva.

P. D.: alguien arriba dijo que Christmas en ingles es plural, esta equivocado.


2006-12-05 21:59:31 · answer #6 · answered by Feed the models! 4 · 0 3

No me eche inglich

2006-12-05 20:16:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

That's love. That's hope. That's faith
That's joy.
That's the beginning of Redemption
That's a new stage in our Salvation's history
That's the encounter of Christ, Child.
Thats conversion and renewal.
That's inner peace.
Thats new life.
That's an opening path to time and eternity.
That's truth that feeds upon Love.
That's life which fructifies and mellows,
always being born, inscessantly.

2006-12-05 20:36:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

it´s love, it´s hope, it´s faith
it´s joy
it´s principale of redemption
it´s a stage of our history of Salvation
it´s a encounter with Christ, Boy
it´s a conversion and renovation
it´s inner peace
it´s new life
it´s way that is opened for the time and the eternity
it´s life that fructifies and mature, without letting always be born
it´s truth that is fed on the Love

2006-12-05 20:24:51 · answer #9 · answered by rik026 3 · 0 4

Bueno, a lo mejor tendre mis errorcitos pero me los perdonas=)

What is Christmas?

Is Love. Is Hope. Is Faith.
Is Happiness.
Is the beginning of Redemption.
Is an stage in our history of Salvation.
Is an encounter with Christ, Child.
Is Convertion and Renovation.
Is Inner Peace.
Is New Life.
Is an open path for time and eternity.
Is thruth feeded from Love.
Is life that fructifies and grows,
that keeps *in birth forever.

*aqui no estoy segura si lleva in birth o borning

Espero que te ayude!!

2006-12-05 20:20:25 · answer #10 · answered by klety_89 1 · 0 4

it is love. It is hope. It is faith.
It is happiness.
It is principle of Redemption.
It is a stage of our history of Salvation.
It is encounter with Christ, Boy.
It is conversion and renovation.
It is interior peace.
It is new life.
It is road that opens up for the time
and for the eternity.
It is true that feeds of the Love.
It is life that fructifies and it matures
without stopping to always be born

oie espero q te sirva y a la otra traducelo en google es muy facil y te va a ayudar o de plano preguntamelo a mi

suerte adios


2006-12-05 20:17:07 · answer #11 · answered by Gerry G 2 · 0 4

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