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example,,,,,the essay topic is " what are three important characteristics of good parents",,,,
and i gave three ideas,,Take care of their children a lot, buy them the things they want, and teach them how to do the homework,,
I think theses ideas are very naive because i saw some one wrote other ideas which are,,," resiponsible, be a good idol,,and encourge the children for anything",,,
how to think clearly and in a mature way

2006-12-04 21:24:23 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Eason 1 in 社會與文化 語言

4 個解答

你所諗到既"Take care of their children a lot, buy them the things they want, and teach them how to do the homework"~ 3個points 只係歸納為"Take care of their children" 呢1點上面,教小朋友做功課同買野俾佢地只係d好minor既野...

um~ 你可以嘗試下從多方面去分析
good parents 其實好廣泛,對子女好都有好多種
e.g. 可以諗下係環境物質方面(provide good learning environment),又或者係態度方面(kind?fair?),又或者係關係方面(close?good communication?)等等

如果有時間可以睇下英文報紙,唔使隻隻字都要識,只係睇下佢d 文章結構,順便學下生字都ok架~ 睇得多諗野都會成熟d~~

2006-12-04 21:46:38 · answer #1 · answered by Pui Pui 2 · 0 0


2006-12-05 09:51:39 補充:

2006-12-05 04:49:40 · answer #2 · answered by HaHa 7 · 0 0

I think what you really mean is how to make your ideas sound more sophisticated, not the ideas. "Being responsible, be a good idol, encourage the children" whatsoever, these are just compressed words that you can use instead of "take care of their children a lot, buy them things they want" whatever. Unlike yours, those words that they used are for further expansion.

As for parents being responsible, they should take care of their children a lot.
As for parents being overindulged, they should give the children things they want.
As for parents being responsible, they should teach the children how to do the homework.

You just need to find that one word that includes what you want to say, not the ideas that count. Don't worry about your ideas, it's all good.

Using your example "what are the three important characteristics of good parents", in the thesis, you should use words that can help you expand your essay. "Take care of the children a lot" should be in the body paragraphs, not the thesis. Get your three points compressed in the thesis.

2006-12-05 02:42:20 · answer #3 · answered by dlastme 6 · 0 0

l saw u r writing in english, so l think it will be better to answer u in english(if u dont understad , tell me, l write in chinese)

if u really want to find the subject arounf the essay topic,
weather which topic is it,
for example ,your topic,there are many way to do it
the normal way is below:
the normally best way for essay to reaseach is look at the old news paper and recording,internet resarch and record the main point , use the book to reseach,
find some famuse people , that you learn about them about this topic, questionnaire if use your example l may find my parent or sum arent you know and ask them what they think ,,,but remember ,dont copy and paste,because normal essey is record on how your own view ,point, and your understandment,if u copy and paste everything, she may give u a very good make, but it is not going to be your real mark because you actually learn nothing,even people think you learn lot.
2)draw a spider diagram,
for your example,l will write the topic down,and then i may find in the main point of resach ,for example is it got more succesued case in rich or poor famile, normally how people famile going,
put down the final u think, "what are three important characteristics of good parents",
find the most important point and find sumthing to suppor it, if u say l think it is important to got more spared time, u may say "after my reseach and my idea,l find out it is important to got more time spend with kid as a parent ,XXXXXXXX is the case of a sussed idea ,"....(what XXXXXXXX said for his succes ...")
and second l think.,,
kepp going on like that .....

hop l help u ~
if u dont understand the english, u can tell me, l can tell u to in the chinese

2006-12-06 02:15:37 補充:
hah tse,that what l say,,,,,dont copy plz

2006-12-04 22:34:04 · answer #4 · answered by lynn 3 · 0 0

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