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Putin wanted Blair to gag poisoned spyTHE Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has expressed his anger at Britain’s failure to gag Alexander Litvinenko in the final hours of his life, the cabinet has been told. Margaret Beckett, the foreign secretary, told ministers that the Russian government had “taken exception” to the poisoned former spy’s deathbed letter accusing the Putin regime of murdering him. 1.Putin wanted Blair to gag poisoned spy的標題解釋2.這段話中的“taken exception” 是什麼意思呢?資源來源:Times Onlinehttp://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2087-2484059,00.html

2006-12-03 04:18:16 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 Hover over the world 4 in 社會與文化 語言

1 個解答

譯文標題:普汀要求布萊爾首相制止中毒間諜的惡意指控本文英國內閣被告知俄羅斯總統普汀對英國沒有阻止(避居英國叛逃俄諜) Alexander Litvinenko在臨終前的言行表示氣憤。英國外相Margaret Beckett告訴其內閣同僚,俄國政府對外界指控普汀主使其叛逃間諜在臨終遺言中指出被下毒致死的遺書事件,已經提出正式抗議。說明1. gag:動詞。原意是指口中銜物,或者被外物塞住。引身為「箝制言論」的意思,例如:The government always tries to skillfully gag the speech of opposition media. 政府總是想要技巧地箝制在野媒體的言論。2. take exception:提出正式異議。http://www.wordwebonline.com/en/TAKEEXCEPTION整個事件是一個叛逃俄國避居英國的間諜Alexander Litvinenko,在臨終前公開指控俄國政府主使暗中以高度放射性物質毒害他。英國查證的結果在叛逃俄諜的身體與居室都發現高於背景值的放射性元素同位素釙(Po)210,這是一種毒性極高但在自然界非常稀有的物質,Litvinenko體內被驗出足以致命的劑量,只有國家級實驗室運用核子反應器才能夠生產。這一點讓各界對命案有更大的揣測空間。

2006-12-03 05:24:40 · answer #1 · answered by 菜英文 7 · 0 0

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