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The proposed 提議的 sale of Hong Kong’s largest phone operator 經營者, PCCW, ended 告終 today as it began ... deep in controversy 爭論. Shareholders 股東 rejected the deal 交易,

2006-12-01 01:15:54 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Tak Shing 2 in 社會與文化 語言

which had set (set 怎解?) one of the world’s richest men, Li Ka-shing against his son Richard who controls PCCW. When foreign firms 外國公司 offered 提議 to buy PCCW, Beijing worked behind the scenes 後台 to stop them,

2006-12-01 01:16:51 · update #1

paving 築設 the way 方法 for a Hong Kong financier 理財家 to step in (step in 怎解?) with Li Ka-shing’s money. Shareholders cried foul (cried foul 怎解?),

2006-12-01 01:17:33 · update #2

and there are now new questions today about mainland interference 幹涉 in what’s (what’s 代表什麼字,怎解?什麼情況用此 what’s?) supposed 被想像 to be a free Hong Kong business environment.

ATV Main News
You may revise it if you like. Thanks.

2006-12-01 01:19:40 · update #3

一些事情 = what

本來應該是屬於香港自由市場的 = is supposed to be a free hong kong business environment

是否等於 something that is supposed to be a free Hong Kong business envirnment

2006-12-01 14:42:37 · update #4

don't know what's meant by this. 我不知道這是代表甚麼東西.
這= this
代表 = is meant by
甚麼東西 = what

是否等於 don’t know something that is meant 被意指 (by this? 應是表述 is meant 的主動者,不明?this 指什麼 ?)

2006-12-01 15:03:31 · update #5

2 個解答

標題 scuttled
可譯作 <功虧一簣> scuttle 是動詞, 是對計劃進行干撓和破壞. scuttled 是指有一項計劃, 即電盈的交易, 被破壞了
要連同下文的 一併理解. set xx against xx 是連用語, 即 <令某人與某人為敵> 這裡是說電盈的交易使李氏父子不咬弦
step in
介入事情, 進行干預
what's (what is 的口語式簡化)
what 在這裡是代名詞, 中文可以理解為 <一些事情>, 而這些事情的內容是甚麼, 則在what 之後表述. 轉為中文便可以理解:
<有人質疑大陸干預一些本來應該是屬於香港自由市場的事情. >
一些事情 = what
本來應該是屬於香港自由市場的 = is supposed to be a free hong kong business environment

你也是看atv news 學英文的嗎? 我也是! 這篇報道昨晚剛播出! 你好努力!

2006-12-01 10:21:07 補充:
啊, 你問何時用 what's. 口語很多的, 特別是要用動詞passive voice表述一件事情時. 很簡單的例子 I don't know what's meant by this. 我不知道這是代表甚麼東西.這= this代表 = is meant by甚麼東西 = what

2006-12-01 10:24:05 補充:
忘了, cried foul, 可譯作 . foul 是犯規. 這是說人們發現有人犯規而作出的投訴. 這句是來自在運動和遊戲時犯規, 便有人大叫

2006-12-01 10:25:01 補充:
cried foul 可譯作 =大呼不公平=

2006-12-01 05:16:38 · answer #1 · answered by susanlau 7 · 0 0

Scuttled 可解放棄、破壞、使成泡影,作為標題,可作交易告吹。
set 這裡解做成。
step in 解介入。
cried 解叫喊; foul 是犯規或違規,俗稱打茅波。Cried foul 是(股東)大叫違規。
What's 全寫What is;....what is supposed to be... 中,what 是 determiner,what is supposed to be 解作「理解為...」或「理應是....」。
以what 作 Determiner的例句:
She tries to take such evidence into account without falling into the error of assuming that what is ought to be.

2006-12-08 09:19:36 補充:
把scuttled譯作功虧一簣不太合適, 為山九仞,功虧一簣指差一點點,功败垂成,scuttled只是玩完,冇講係唔係最後至玩完。

2006-12-01 05:53:10 · answer #2 · answered by Icarus 7 · 0 0

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