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建立完善的內部資訊網絡、信息安全系統和監察機制 –提升政府內部聯InforMac的速度、安全和穩定性;對外保持穩定高速的7x24 服務;建立24 小時的監察和預警機制,防止黑客和電腦病毒的入侵

建立共用的技術基本設施和標準 ,包括:電子認證、智能咭身份證、電腦㆗文內碼標準、電子表格


建立相關法律框架 – 制定或修訂有關法規:包括:電子交易、電子認證㆗心運作、防止網㆖犯罪。並且提供司法㆟員調查電腦和網㆖犯罪的適當培訓

2006-11-29 03:31:27 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 lan 1 in 社會與文化 語言

分階段推出電子公共服務 – 先推出少部分需求較大的公共服務項目,以此作起點測試公眾的接受程度,以及了解行政㆖和技術㆖存在的問題。在取得發展經驗後,繼續推出其它的電子公共服務

普及資訊教育和應用 — 建議撥備適當的資源,使無論學生和市民能容易㆞接觸到電腦,同時掌握足夠的資訊技能和知識。為使各階層㆟士能廣泛㆞和較容易㆞接受資訊技術培訓,應透過公民教育的渠道,採取多方面的教學方式以達至更佳的效果。另㆒方面,應逐漸促使本㆞的數據網絡服務的收費㆘調

2006-11-29 03:31:42 · update #1

1 個解答

The Way Forward and Projects to be Rolled out By Phases
To provide training on administrative reform and instillation of a new mindset for managerial staff of the public sector
To establish an effective internal communication network, information secuirity and monitoring system - to enhance the operating speed, security level and stability of the INFORMAC system, the intranet system of government departments, enabling it to provide service to external parties at a high speed on a 24/7 basis. To establish 24-hour monitoring and alert devices to guard against hacking activities.
To establish a common set of techncial devices and operation standards, including e-cert, smart ID, standardised internal code of Chinese computer, e-form, etc.
To establish a common platform for the provison of electronic services, including e-purchase, e-invoice, e-payment, e-registration, etc.
To estsablish a legal framework in relation to the relevant development: to formulate and amend regulations on matters incluindg e-transactions, operation of e-cert centre, prevention of computer crimes, etc. To provide trainnig for judicial and investigation officers on computer-related crimes.
To roll out Electronic Public Serivce by phases - Services in high demand will be provided in an early phase, in order to gauge public response and to gather information on adminstrative and technical issues that might arise. On the basis of the experience obtained, Electronic Publich Service will be expanded to cover other forms of public services.
Publicity and community programme - it is suggested that provision should be made for the purpose of promoting the use of computer in the community, including students and other citizens, enabling people to acquire the knowledge about using the computer. To make IT training more accessible to the general public, the existing channels of public education should be utilsed for this purpose, while the training should be in a mult-pronged approach to achieve highest effectiveness. At the same time, measures should be taken to bring down the fees for using the information network......


2006-11-29 04:52:20 · answer #1 · answered by susanlau 7 · 0 0

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