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London congestion charge was introduced in 2003. But The US embassy, which are located in central London, considered that it is a form of taxation. Because according to diplomatic immunity they don't need to pay it. But Mr livingstone, the mayor of London city, does not think so. He accused strongly The US ambassador for not respect the law of the UK.---------------------------------------------------------------------------以上是自己寫的短文,文法時態和修辭若有不妥請指正,謝謝。

2006-11-29 03:31:07 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Hover over the world 4 in 社會與文化 語言

請問一下這裡的The US embassy是否可當做政府單位來使用而不是建築物?因為在這一則新聞中-The UAE embassy has paid £99,950 outstanding fines. The UAE embassy應該是指政府單位,而它也可以付款。

2006-11-29 04:08:24 · update #1

3 個解答

The United Aaron 網友:你的短文改寫如下:London congestion charge was introduced in 2003, it is a fee of punitive nature that charges motorists entering into the crowded Central London. Considered it is a form of taxation instead of a fine, the US Embassador whose embassy is located at Central London, declines to pay the congestion charge. Because all diplomats are immue from paying taxes according to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. London Mayor Livingstone strongly accused US ambassador for not respecting the laws of hosting country. Whether the traffic fine such as congestion charge is a tax or not has been an unresolved issue between local governments and diplomatic communities.你的英文表達和文法都沒有大問題,但是我把你的原文做了以上的修正,修正的方向是讓倫敦市與美國大使館之間的爭議呈現的更清楚。讀者才知道問題的核心何在?London congestion charge 是所謂都市壅塞費,凡是進入倫敦市區的車輛都要支付五英鎊(後來提高到八英鎊)的所謂交通壅塞費。美國大使根據1961年各國簽署的「維也納外交關係公約」認為外交人員無需支付當地政府的任何稅捐。到底交通罰款是否一種稅捐外交官得以豁免,實務上有爭議。駐在紐約的聯合國各國外交官,在紐約市內違規停車拒繳罰款,引起紐約市政府與市民的憤慨,至今尚爭議不休。文章裡所指的美國大使館或者阿拉伯聯合大功國大使館,都是指政府單位(法人)而非建築物。

2006-11-30 03:19:16 · answer #1 · answered by 菜英文 7 · 0 0

幫你修改如下: (但第一句不確定你要表達什麼??)
London congestion charge was introduced in 2003. But the ambassador in US embassy located in central London considered that it is a form of taxation. According to diplomatic immunity, they don't have to pay it. However, Mr livingstone, the mayor of London city, did not think so. He accused strongly The US ambassador not to respect the law of the UK.

2006-11-29 04:03:17 · answer #2 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

London Congestion Charge was introduced in 2003. The US government, with her embassy located at central London, considered that it is a form of
taxation. According to diplomatic immunity they don't do not need to
pay it.  Mr livingstone Livingstone, the mayor of London city, does not think
so. He accused accuses strongly The US ambassador for not respecting the law of
the UK.(1)London Congestion Charge 是專有名詞, 別的地方沒有, 所以應用大寫。(2) 切勿使用 BUT, Because 等字作一句的開始。(3) US embassy 是死物, 一座建築。 死物又怎能指責他人呢?(4) don't 書寫式不能用短式, 口語才可用。(5) 上一句是現在式, 為甚麼突然轉用了過去式?Mr Lvingstone 現在不再指責該項收費了嗎?

2006-11-29 08:53:31 補充:
considered (considers) that it is a form of taxation這裡也要改一改。 用現在式, 便全文一致。

2006-11-29 11:08:54 補充:
The US government, with her embassy located at central London, considered that it is a form of taxation.The Americans in the US embassy, located at central London, consider that it is a form of taxation. 寫成這樣更佳。

2006-11-29 11:12:11 補充:
London congestion charge 是對進入倫敦市中心的駕車者徵收的收費, 作為疏道市中心交通的手段。很多城市, 如星加坡, 也有類似手法。

2006-11-29 03:48:58 · answer #3 · answered by beechan 6 · 0 0

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