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下面是「紐約時報」的一篇文章Lawyers Debate Why Blacks Lag at Major Firms的一段話,有人可以幫我解釋嗎? Yet grades, according to many hiring partners and law students, are a significant criterion in hiring decisions, rivaled only by the prestige of the law school in question. For instance, white law school graduates with G.P.A.’s of 3.5 or higher are nearly 20 times as likely to be working for a large law firm as are white graduates with G.P.A.’s of 3.0 or lower. http://www.nytimes.com/ 2006/11/29 /us/29diverse.html?th&emc=th

2006-11-29 16:59:36 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 ? 5 in 社會與文化 語言

4 個解答

Yet grades, according to many hiring partners and law students, are a significant criterion in hiring decisions, rivaled only by the prestige of the law school in question. 根據許多僱有合夥人及法律系學生的事務所表示, 對於錄取與否, 應徵者的成績具有決定性的影響, 其重要性僅次於針對其所就讀學校的名氣的考量.For instance, white law school graduates with G.P.A.’s of 3.5 or higher are nearly 20 times as likely to be working for a large law firm as are white graduates with G.P.A.’s of 3.0 or lower. 舉例來說, 平均在校成績在3.5(含)以上的法律系畢業的白人, 被大型律師事務所錄取的機會, 比同樣條件而成績在3.0(含)以下的, 幾乎要高出20倍.In question: 討論中的;考慮中的

2006-11-29 18:48:45 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin 7 · 0 0

5 thumbs to 最佳解答!!! 很有水平的翻譯!!!

2010-06-15 08:07:01 · answer #2 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

說的清楚些,英文裡的「in question」通常指在上下文中相關而不定的事/物。




2006-12-01 06:43:19 補充:



2006-12-01 01:22:58 · answer #3 · answered by T40 5 · 0 0


『仍然等級,許多僱用合夥人指出和法律學生,是一個重要的標準在僱用的只被疑問的法學院的聲望匹敵的決定。 舉例來說,白色的法學院畢業生用 G.P.A.3.5 或比較高的是將近 20 次當做有可能的為一個大的法律事務所工作當做用 G.P.A. 是白色的畢業生 3.0 或比較低的。』 參考看看吧!^^

2006-11-29 22:19:20 補充:
in question ..的意思為 在疑問...可翻譯成思考中 、 疑問中 、 ....

2006-11-29 17:16:55 · answer #4 · answered by Nick:) 2 · 0 0

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