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hoy me toman la prueba y quiero saber si me he expresado bien en esta composicion acerca de "my perfect holiday destination"
My perfect holidays destination is Villa General Belgrano. It's a town in Córdoba province. The province is situated off in the centre of Argentina. It takes about 7 hours to get there by car from Pergamino.
Villa General Belgrano has many tourists facilities. There are some hotels and a lot of log cabins and campsites. When i went with my family last year we stayed in a hotel. There are also many different things to do. You can sunbathe or climb hills, for example. If you prefer sight-seeing you can go on excursions. But mostly is a place for relaxing.
Villa General Belgrano is my perfect holiday destination because it's a tourist place but it is not very crowded, and most of the time the weather is warm. I enjoy going there because I meet people from different countries. Last year I met a Mexican boy.
si se les ocurre que puedo agregar algo

2006-11-28 04:10:14 · 7 respuestas · pregunta de Samuel 3 en Sociedad y cultura Idiomas

7 respuestas

A ver un par de cositas para corregir serían:

1.- cambia holidays por holiday (igual que como esta en el título);
2.- En lugar de "When I went with my family last year ... " poné directamente, por ej.: "Last year I spent my holidays there with my family and we stayed in a Hotel."
3.- Tb cambiaría "You can sunbathe ..." x You can take sunbaths ..
4.- Otra cambio puede ser "I really enjoy going there because you can meet people from all over the world".
5.- Ya que estás ampliá un poco mas lo del Mexican Boy, si era de Mexico DF, edad, ocupación, etc.

Fijate, son sólo sugerencias


2006-11-28 04:24:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My perfect holiday destination is Villa General Belgrano. It is in a town in the province of Cordova which is about 7 hours by car to get there from Pergamino. Villa General Belgrano welcomes many tourists every year and it has great facilities like hotels, log cabins and campsites, and also there are more things to do for instance climbing, sunbath, hiking and excursions in case you want to sight-seeing the nature by your self. My family and I stayed in one of those great hotels when we went last year.
Villa General Belgrano is a turist destination but at the same time is not crowed, it is warm, you can meet people from all over the world for instance las year i met a mexican. It is the my perfect holiday destination.
Lo he comprimido un poco y he tratado de agrupar las ideas, espero te ayude..

2006-11-28 12:33:15 · answer #2 · answered by El Recio 6 · 1 0

Creo que lo unico que vi erroneo es que en ingles tu no puedes asentuar ninguna palabra y asentuaste cordova en nuestros paises si pero aca no ok y campsites yo creo que es mejor poner campplaces.creo ok suerte.

2006-11-28 12:19:58 · answer #3 · answered by Estrella Fugaz 5 · 1 0

me parece bien.
soy italiana y hablo angles.
no escrivi tan mal
solo estos:
My perfect holidays = My perfect holiday
is situated off in the centre = is situated in the centre
many tourists facilities = many tourist facilities
When i went with my family = When my family and I went
I enjoy going there = I like/adore to go there


2006-11-30 09:35:45 · answer #4 · answered by miss_priscilla79 3 · 0 0

En general esta muy bine felicidades, los errores son muy poquitos y en general no son tan graves, sigue así, vas por buen camino!

- my perfect holiday destination (no holidays)
- The province is located in the centre of argentina.
- many tourist facilities (no tourists)
- But mostly it is a place for relaxing. (no olvides que cuando comienzas una nueva oración de nuevo debes colocar el sujeto, en este caso it)

si gustas hacerla más grande puedes describir el hotel en que te hospedaste y también al chico que conociste.
Espero haber ayudado.

2006-11-29 09:19:14 · answer #5 · answered by Vanya 2 · 0 0

My perfect holiday trip would be to visit Villa General Begrano. It's a town in Córdoba's province. The province is situated off in the center of Argentina. It takes about 7 hours to get there by car from Pergamino.
Villa General Belgrano has many tourist facilities. There are some hotels and many log cabins and campsites. When I went with my family last year we stayed in a hotel. There are also many different thing to do. You can sunbathe or mountain climb.For example: If you prefer sight-seeing you can go on excursions, but mostly it's a place for relaxing.
Villa General Belgrano would be my perfect trip because it's a tourist place and it's not very crowded and most of the time the weather is warm. I enjoy going there because I meet people from different countries.Last year I met a boy from Mexico. I spent a little time with him and he told me many stories that made me laugh. I really enjoyed his perpective on life and he tought me many things.

2006-11-29 01:37:45 · answer #6 · answered by ThegreatIam 3 · 0 0

Podrias agregar alguna estudia acerca de tu amigo mexicano, de lo que sentiste al conocerlo y si quedaron en seguir frecuentandose... algo por estilo.


2006-11-28 16:26:29 · answer #7 · answered by velasco96 1 · 0 0

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