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THOMAS CARLYLE was another writer of the time who was unattractive as a man,
cold, self-centred, and unwilling to accept anyone as his better.

湯瑪斯 CARLYLE 是不吸引的人在那時是另一位作家,冷淡的,自私自利的,

請修飾中文,幫幫忙,謝謝! ( 還有專有名詞英翻中,謝謝! )

2006-11-26 15:58:24 · 6 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

6 個解答

THOMAS CARLYLE was another writer of the time who was unattractive as a man, cold, self-centred, and unwilling to accept anyone as his better.湯瑪斯‧ 卡萊爾是當帶另一位知名作家,他貌不驚人、以自我為中心、並且不接受任何人作為他的上司。( better 這個字在此當名詞用,意思是「上司」)湯瑪斯‧卡萊爾(Thomas Carlyle,1795~1881),是英國維多利亞女王時代的著名歷史學家與哲學家。他傳世的著作中最有名的電視《英雄與英雄崇拜》(Heroes and Hero-Worship) 一書,作者卡萊爾把英雄視為領袖群倫、具有超凡入聖的精神特質的先知或神人。英雄分成六類人,「帝王」如克倫威爾、拿破崙、「神明的英雄」歐丁,「先知的英雄」穆罕默德,「詩人的英雄」但丁、莎士比亞,「教士的英雄」路德、諾克斯,「文人的英雄」約翰生、盧梭、彭斯。湯瑪斯‧卡萊爾 Thomas Carlyle

2006-11-26 23:26:23 補充:
根據Yahoo! 奇摩字典 better 當名詞用時的意義:1. (人或事物)較優者,較好者[the S]The weather has taken a turn for the better. 天氣已經轉好。2. 上司們;長輩[P]We were told to obey our betters. 吩咐我們要服從上司。

2006-11-26 18:22:05 · answer #1 · answered by 菜英文 7 · 0 0


2012-07-01 23:11:36 · answer #2 · answered by dewi 1 · 0 0

to accept anyone as his better 除了最佳解答之外都翻對了。

2006-12-01 10:08:05 · answer #3 · answered by glend 7 · 0 0

在那時另一位作家湯瑪斯 CARLYLE ,是個沒有吸引力的男人,冷酷,自私自利,

2006-11-26 16:44:07 · answer #4 · answered by madamvanessa-the handbag lover.. 1 · 0 0

THOMAS CARLYLE was another writer of the time who was unattractive as a man, cold, self-centred, and unwilling to accept anyone as his better.湯瑪斯 卡萊爾是那個時期的另一位作家,他是個缺乏吸引力的人、冷淡、自我中心,而且沒有接受別人比他優秀的雅量。

2006-11-26 16:36:13 · answer #5 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

湯瑪斯˙ 卡萊爾是在那時期一個無法吸引別人注意, 冷血,自我,也不願意接受能力比他更強的人

2006-11-26 16:24:09 · answer #6 · answered by x10122000 2 · 0 0

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