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(1.)In order to show you the excellence of our products , we are sending you our free sample under separate cover.

(2.)With these advantages you can develop your market without worring about competiton, we therefore trust that we will be able to receive your order soon.

我知道 when/before/after/since/if/because/as/although/but/so/therefore/so that

2006-11-26 14:29:37 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 品瑄 3 in 社會與文化 語言

謝謝解答 *^^* 真的好詳細


of your market 是介系詞片語嗎?

2006-11-27 11:24:31 · update #1


In order to show you the excellence of our products ,
--- of our products是補充說明excellence

2006-11-27 11:31:36 · update #2

1 個解答

首先,子句含有完整的結構(主詞+動詞).再者, 副詞子句應屬"從屬"子句, 依附於主要子句, 不能獨立存在.In order to show you the excellence of our products, ...這是一個介系詞片語當副詞用, 表示目的. 而非"副詞子句".*句型: in order to V + I.O.(間接受詞) + D.O.(直接受詞)第二句的寫法有誤, 改法有二:1. ...about competition, and we therefore ...2. ...about competition; we therefore ...不管怎樣改, and 與分號(;)所連接的是兩個"對等"子句, 而非"從屬"子句, 故亦非副詞子句. 要改為副詞子句, 可以這麼寫:1. We are sending you our free sample under separate cover so that we can show you the excellence of our products.2. We therefore trust that we will be able to receive your order soon, since you can develop your market without worring about competiton with these advantages.

2006-11-28 16:18:16 補充:
1. of your market 是介系詞片語
your 是代名詞所有格, 不是冠詞
2. of our products是修飾excellence.

2006-11-26 16:07:24 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin 7 · 0 0

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