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is this sentence is wong in gramer

our house has a small gardem

2006-11-24 12:39:46 · 7 個解答 · 發問者 Hoi Tik 1 in 社會與文化 語言

7 個解答

你問的句子本身沒有文法問題, 但你的錯字真是多的驚人!! 看來你要多加留意了!!
Is it wrong?
Is this sentence wrong in grammar? (第二個 is 是多餘的)
Our house has a small garden.
比我早回答的都好像答對了. 但我想指出的是不指一位說「死物不能夠擁有死物」, 而建議你把句子換作 There is a small garden in our house. 他們的道理是對, 但卻在此句卻「應用」錯誤了. 這裡的 has 不是「擁有」的意思, 而是「包括」的意思; 所以發問者這樣「造句」完全沒有錯, 也沒有必要把它改變.
例如: This car has power steering 或 this house has three rooms. 你們可以嘗試把這兩句按你們的說法「執過」, 再想一想那才是慣用的語法吧.
至於「死物不能夠擁有死物」需要注意的地方是用 of 的情況. 例如: I am installing a satellite dish on the roof of the house 是正確的語法, 而不是 I am installing a satellite dish on the house's roof. 雖然後一句在日常生活裡也有人這麼用, 但如果你還在求學階段, 作文時用前一句的語法才可避免被「正來做」的老師扣分.

2006-11-24 22:32:22 補充:
實在太多人誤會了這裏 has 的解釋!!! 有兩件事你們可以做來了解為何你們錯了 (1) 看看 http://www.webster.com/dictionary/have 網頁內的 1C 的釋義 (2) 找一份英文報紙看看那些買賣廣告是否有 This house has.... 吧!!!

2006-11-24 22:36:19 補充:
作家 Edgar Allen Poe 你們聽過吧? 人地也是錯嗎?http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/lit/horror/TheWorksofEdgarAllenPoeVolume4/Chap1.html(自己找找 house has a small garden 吧!!)

2006-11-25 18:01:25 補充:
hahatse,多謝你查了字典才發言, 証明你是一個尊重事實的人. 你所提的應該是 have 2 的詞條吧? 不過, 我建議你無需看它那複雜的解釋; has 作為「包括」的意思是平常不過的用法, 無分疆界, 亦不限用於問句或某種語法. 這樣吧, 下次看英文電視台時留意那些廣告, 你便會發覺「死物」has 某樣 feature 或特徵的用法是很「通用」的.

2006-11-25 18:01:47 補充:
再不是可以上網查看 "the house has a" 也可以 http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0oGkjbmE2hFaBUBkMBXNyoA?p="the house has a"&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-501&x=wrt

2006-11-25 18:14:49 補充:
或者你嘗試把「死物」has something 的句子中的 has 改為 "comes with" 吧; 這樣對你的理解會清晰點嗎? This computer has an Intel CPU. This room has a nice view. This zoo has many animals. etc.

2006-11-24 13:14:50 · answer #1 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0


There is a small garden in our house.

2006-11-25 10:11:04 補充:
我想首先多謝 gihgdf 的補充,他說「實在太多人誤會了這裏 has 的解釋!!! 有兩件事你們可以做來了解為何你們錯了 (1) 看看 http://www.webster.com/dictionary/have 網頁內的 1C 的釋義 (2) 找一份英文報紙看看那些買賣廣告是否有 This house has.... 吧!!! 」

2006-11-25 10:11:47 補充:
因著你這說法,我就嘗試查字牛津字典,看看have的用法,結果,其中一個用法是用在變則動詞(anmalous verb., conjugated)”(for the neg. and interrogative forms) without the aux. v. do in good British usage, but not always in American usage; in colloq. style often with got)

2006-11-25 10:12:30 補充:
 在這種用法中,有一處的應用是:(in sentences that can be recomposed with the verb be) e.g. How many days has June(=are there in)?;I have no doubt(=there is no doubt in my mind) that.....;Has the house( =is there, with the house) a good garden?)

2006-11-25 10:12:45 補充:

2006-11-24 15:52:04 · answer #2 · answered by HaHa 7 · 0 0

There is a small garden in our house.

P.S We can't use has in this way! Be careful!

Hope I can help you!!! :]

2006-11-24 13:34:09 · answer #3 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Your grammar is correct.

Another better way : " Our house is with a small garden."

2006-11-24 12:59:16 · answer #4 · answered by Silvia 2 · 0 0

所以, 只會說, there is a small garden in our house.
而不會說: our house has a small garden.

2006-11-24 12:49:43 · answer #5 · answered by Chan 3 · 0 0


2006-11-24 12:43:28 · answer #6 · answered by s不動遊星s 3 · 0 0

I think the subject our house is not real
so it's better to write in this way: There is a small garden in our house.

2006-11-24 12:43:04 · answer #7 · answered by �j�� 2 · 0 0

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