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have + PP 或 have been +PP 與 had + PP 或 had been + PP有咩不同?
何時用have + PP 或 have been +PP 及何時用had + PP 或 had been + PP ??

2006-11-24 10:22:20 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Kit 2 in 社會與文化 語言

3 個解答

have + PP 或 have been +PP 與 had + PP 或 had been + PP 的主要分別 :
have + PP 與 had + PP 是主動句 active voice:
eg. The wind have blown the door open.
The rain had flooded the cellar.

have been + PP 與 had been + PP 是被動句 passive voice:
eg. The door have been blown open by the wind.
The cellar had been flooded by the rain.

a. talk about actions or situations which started in the past and have continued up to
the present:
eg. I have lived in Europe for 15 years (and I live there now).
b. talk about actions which happened at an unknown time in the past:
eg. They have never been to China (in their lives).
c. talk about things which were completed in the past but are important in the
present. The tense is often used in this way to give news.
eg. I have just lost my wallet (so I don’t have any money).

- used when we are already talking about the past, and we want to talk about an
earlier moment in the past. We sometimes use time words like when and after
with the past perfect tense.
eg. We left after we had eaten our meal. (We ate our meal, then we left.)

2006-11-24 15:47:40 補充:
Grammar Practice 2000

2006-11-24 10:46:45 · answer #1 · answered by Wing 5 · 0 0

have + PP 或 have been +PP


(1) 已經完成但與現在仍有關聯的動作或狀態;

(2) 過去已經做並持續到現在的動作或狀態;

(3) 經驗過的動作或狀態。


have / has ┼ 動詞的過去分詞
和過去式一樣的 , 過去分詞就是在規則動詞的後面加上 ed , 而不規則動詞一樣本站中也有詳細的列表 , 記得 , 一樣要背下來的喔 !
現在完成式通常和現在有所關連 , 換句話說就是 : 過去發生的事 , 在現在有了結果 。
I have lost my key.

He has started a new job.



肯定句- 主詞 ┼ have / has ┼ 過去分詞
    例如:I have done my homework.(我已經做完作業了)

否定句- 主詞 ┼ have / has ┼ not ┼ 過去分詞
    例如:I have not done my homework.(我還沒做完作業)

疑問句- Have / Has ┼ 主詞 ┼ 過去分詞
    例如:Have I done my homework?(我做完作業了嗎)


1. 現在完成式表示到現在為止已完成或仍在持續的動作、狀態;強調對現在的影響、聯繫,或表示經歷、經驗即用過去發生的動作來說明現在的情況。

Where have you gone, mom?(錯誤)
[表示終止的動詞如 die, go 等不可用完成式表示從過去某時持續到現在的動作或狀態。have gone 表示所提到 的人現在已不在本地,上句是錯誤的,不符合邏輯]

I have been to the flower market. I bought a pot of flower.
我去了趟花市。我買了盆花。 〔本句用have been表示人去過某地但現在已經回來了。不可用have gone〕

Mom, it has been a long day for me, too.
媽媽,我今天也夠受的了。 〔現在完成式表示到現在為止已完成或仍在持續的動作、狀態;強調對現在的影響、聯繫〕

I have finished all my homework.
我把所有功課都做完了。 〔現在完成式表示到現在為止已完成的動作。強調對現在的影響、聯繫,或表示經歷、經驗〕

I have cleaned all the rooms.
我打掃了所有的房間。 〔現在完成式表示到現在為止已完成的動作。強調對現在的影響、聯繫,或表示經歷、經驗〕

2. 現在完成式的形式是 have (has) ┼ 過去分詞。

3. 現在完成式是用過去發生,到現在已完成或剛完成的動作來說明現在的情況,或說明到目前為止所完成的動作。

I have opened the door.
我已打開門了。 〔表示門現在是開著的〕

He has come back from town.
他已經從城裡回來了。 〔表示人現在此處〕

4. 現在完成式用在過去已完成而其結果對現在仍有影響的動作來說明經歷、經驗,或表示某種感?漹m。

Mr. Lee speaks good English. He has learned English for ten years.
李先生說一口好英語,他學了十年英語了。 〔表示經歷、經驗〕

What have you done!
你做的什麼事啊! 〔表示對所做的事表示不滿〕

5. 當現在完成式表示從過去某時持續到現在的動作或狀態,以說明經歷、經驗,與 for 或 since 引導的表示一段時間的副詞片語連用時,述語動詞要用 be, keep, learn, live, read, serve, stay, study, teach, watch, work, write 等表示持續的動詞,不可使用 arrive, become, begin, borrow, buy, come, close, die, end, enter, get, leave, lend, lose, reach, receive 等表示終止的動詞。

(誤)He has arrived here for three days.

(正)He has been here for three days.

had + PP 或 had been + PP


肯定句-主詞 ┼ had ┼ 過去分詞 ┼ 時間
   例如:I had studied English before you came home yesterday.

問句-What ┼ have ┼ 主詞 ┼ 過去分詞 ┼ 時間
   例如:What had you done before I cane home yesterday?


過去完成式是had ┼ 過去分詞 , 如果我們談到過去某事件前所發生的事 , 我們要用過去完成式:

Kelly did not want to come to the cinema with us because she had already seen the film.
When Kelly arrived at the patty, Tom had already gone home.
When we got home last night, we found that somebody had broken into the flat.
過去完成式所表示的時間是在 have done (現在完成式)之前 , 我們來做個比較 : 現在完成式 :

I have never seen her before.
We have just had lunch.

過去完成式 :
I had never seen her before.
We had just had lunch.
讓我們再來看看過去完成式 ( I had done ) 和過去簡單式 ( I did )

“Was Joe at the party when you arrived?” “No, he had already gone home”
but “was Joe there when you arrived?” “Yes, but he went home soon afterwards.”
Kelly was not at home when I phoned. She was in American.
But Kelly had just got home when I phoned. She had been in American.

1. 過去完成式的形式是 had ┼ 過去分詞。

2. 過去完成式表示過去某一時間或某一動作之前已經完成的動作或存在的狀態,這一過去的時間可由 by, before引導的時間副詞片語或子句或從上下文中表示出來。

I had finished typing before lunch.

3. 過去完成式表示過去某一時間以前開始一直延續到那個時間並可能繼續下去的動作或狀態,常和 by或 since 引導的表示時間的片語或子句連用。

He had studied English for five years when he took the exam.

2006-11-24 15:11:14 · answer #2 · answered by Edith 2 · 0 0

《Present Perfect Tense》
當句子要用Present Perfect Tense,而且是Active Voice時,就需要用have+PP 或 has+PP
如:I have known him from a child(從他是小孩以來,我一直認識他)

當句子要用Present Perfect Tense,但是是被動語態(Passive Voice)時,就需要用have been +PP or has been +PP
如:My watch has been stolen for several days(我的手錶已被偷去好幾天了)

如:He has never been ill since he came here.
  Have you ever been there.

《Past Perfect Tense》

當句子要用Past Perfect Tense,而且是Active Voice時,就需要用had+PP
如:I did not know who had broken the window.
  When they had finished lunch, they ran out to play

當句子要用Past Perfect Tense,但是是被動語態(Passive Voice)時,就需要用had been +PP

如:My watch had been stolen before I went to school.

至於何時用Present Perfect Tense,何時用Past Perfect Tense,因為這裏篇章有限不能詳說,你可以看看英文的文法書就有講。

2006-11-24 12:06:53 · answer #3 · answered by HaHa 7 · 0 0

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