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DI NO A LOS SEGUROS DE VIDA Y DE GASTOS MÉDICOS MAYORES. NO LOS ACEPTES ni como ‘PRESTACIÓN’, hará que muy pronto los llegues a necesitar pues sería NEGOCIAR a cambio de tu Vida y tu salud. No te inquietes ni te atormentes por cómo vivirás, ten confianza en Dios y no en el dinero. Dios es el único que puede asegurarte la Vida y tú encárgate de asegurar TUS BIENES. Nadie puede servir a dos amos al mismo tiempo, a Dios y al dinero, NECESARIAMENTE CON UNO QUEDARÁ MAL.

SAY NO TO LIFE INSURANCE AND TO HEALTH INSURANCE. Don't accept them even as employment benefits, it will cause that you will need them very soon, because it'd be as if bargaining on your life and your health. Don't worry or be distressed over how you will live, have confidence in God and not in money. God is the only one who can assure to you the Life and you take charge of assuring YOUR GOODS. Nobody can serve two masters at the same time, to God and Money, NECESSARILY WITH ONE WILL STAY BADLY.

2006-11-23 15:03:38 · 5 respuestas · pregunta de Cecilia R 1 en Sociedad y cultura Idiomas

5 respuestas

Esta bien solo le haria unos pequeños cambios

Don't accept them EVENTHOUGH LIKE AS employment benefit, it will cause that you will need them very soon, because it'd be as if bargaining on your life and your health. Don't worry or be distressed over how you will live, TRUST in God and not in money. God is the only one who can assure to you Life and you take CARE of assuring YOUR GOODS. Nobody can serve two masters at the same time, to God and Money, NECESSARILY WITH ONE WILL STAY BADLY

saludos......... Kunn

2006-11-23 21:03:08 · answer #1 · answered by KUNN 7 · 2 0

¿ cuanto me pagas? es larguísimo! Eres muy hábil, te aprovechas y "curras" a la Comunidad! APLAUSOS!te van a retarOJO!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-24 04:29:53 · answer #2 · answered by Nikita(la femme) 5 · 0 0

Yo lo traduciría así:

SAY NO TO LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCES. Do not accept them even as employment benefits, it will cause that you will need them very soon, because it would be as if bargaining on your life and your health. Don't worry or be distressed over how you will live, have confidence in God and not in money. God is the only one who can assure you the Life and you take care of securing YOUR GOODS. Nobody can serve two masters at the same time, God and Money, NECESSARILY WITH ONE WILL END UP BADLY.

2006-11-24 00:41:49 · answer #3 · answered by Pedro 3 · 0 0

Esta bastante bien aceptable, ¿ok?

2006-11-24 00:38:37 · answer #4 · answered by abeljj 4 · 0 0

Es bastante acertada en todos sus aspectos la traducción.
Le haría dos correcciones.
El verbo "assure" va sin preposición "to". Sería "assure you The Life" y no como escribiste.
Y aunque cambies un poco el texto, para remarcar la expresión de que te hagas cargo de tu propia vida, en vez de poner "and you take charge of assuring YOUR GOODS", yo pondría "and take charge of assuring YOUR GOODS by yourself". Además evitarías la cacofonía de poner dos "you" tan juntos.
Espero que te ayude un poco.


2006-11-23 23:15:11 · answer #5 · answered by Nicolás F 2 · 0 0

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