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a). The Presidential candidate made the Marriott Hotel his headquarters.
b). The Presidential candidate made the Marriott Hotel to his headquarters.
c). The Presidential candidate made the Marriott Hotel to be his headquarters.
d). The Presidential candidate made the Marriott Hotel to become his headquarters.
e). The Presidential candidate made the Marriott Hotel as his headquarters.
如果c) 是正確, 這個句子點解有兩個verb, made 和 be?

2006-11-21 06:45:01 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Tiny 2 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答


This made her happy 這使她快樂
We elected him President 我們選他為總統
I made him my servant 我使他成為我的僕人

The Presidential candidate made the Marriott Hotel his headquarters是用了SVOC句形

The Presidential candidate(S) made (V) the Marriott Hotel(O) his headquarters(C)

made 這個字後面會直接用Complement(補語),而不需用to或as


2006-11-23 14:41:35 補充:
若你留意Yahoo字典的解釋,當make解釋為正要做或剛要開始做時才跟”to”1. 正要做,剛要開始做[ to-v]George made to go out to play, but his mother stopped him.但,你的句子make的意思是”使成為”11. 使成為;使作為[O9].若你有舊的牛津高皆字典(新版的牛津字,我並沒有研究有沒有這樣分類),你會留意在這個解釋下,會被分為VP7,8,9(可能Yahoo [O9]也是這個意思,但不能考查)

2006-11-23 14:42:45 補充:
牛津的定義為:標著VP7的動詞後面可以跟受詞及作受詞補足語用的形容詞       eg.Don’t get your clothes dirty       標著VP8的動詞後面可以跟受詞及作受詞補足語用的名詞       eg.They elected him king.       標著VP9的動詞後面可以跟受詞及過去分詞       eg.You must get your hair cut.

2006-11-23 14:43:16 補充:
所以,並不用to,希望你明白;其實make是一個奇怪的字,因為通常一句句子出現兩個動詞時,我們會”在較後的動詞前”加上to,使它變成不定詞。但make 卻可以將to省略eg.His jokes made us all laugh. 至於你句中第二樣問題,”如果c) 是正確, 這個句子點解有兩個verb, made 和 be?”我想你想問,為何一句句子有兩個動詞因為c)句並不是正確,所以不談;但看看以下句子

2006-11-23 14:43:27 補充:
e.g. Give me something to eat.  ”to eat”是不定詞,在這裏形容something,所以是用作形容詞用,它被稱為形容詞不定詞。所以”to eat”不看為動詞,卻看為形容詞;其實不定詞有用作”名詞”、”形容詞”、”副詞”等等希望你能掌握!

2006-11-21 09:51:48 · answer #1 · answered by HaHa 7 · 0 0

headquarters 本身是有 plural verb 所以有 s, 而可作 singular 或 plural 用!! 查查字典吧!! 但其它的解釋是正確的, 而且顯見花了不少心機去解答; 所以仍是正面評價!!!

2006-11-24 17:53:32 · answer #2 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

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