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2006-11-17 20:04:43 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 ? 3 in 社會與文化 語言

5 個解答

陶瓷之城 - 里蒙的誔生

1761年, 著名經濟學者杜爾哥(Turgot)就任利穆贊(Limousin)地區的長官, 進行了一系列改革措施, 包括稅務改革和整理道路網絡, 意圖讓首府里蒙市(Limoges)變得耳目一新.

1768年, 鄰近的聖伊利休 (Saint-Yrieix) 發現了被稱為白陶土的高嶺土礦藏, 為陶瓷業的復興注入了動力. 他的努力, 加上科學家勃倫勒的研究, 該市最早的陶瓷工場於1773年受到法國皇室的保護. 陶瓷之城-里蒙就此誕生.

今天的里蒙市, 除了有美麗的哥德式大教堂之外, 還有展示利穆贊地區七種寶貴物品的市立博物館, 展示12世紀至現代逾300件展品. 此外, 安德.杜勃休博物館 (Adrien Dubouche Museum) 珍藏大約1萬件世界陶瓷珍品, 確是配合本市特色的景點.

The Birth of Limoges, the town of procelain

In 1761, under the leadership of the mayor of Limousin, Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, who was himself a renowned economist, Limoges saw series of reforms. They included reform on taxation and construction of road network, which were intended to turn a new page for the town.

In 1768, kaolin, a rock rich in white clay, was discovered at Saint Yrieix, near Limoges. It kicked off the revival of procelain industry. Thanks to his hard work and the study by a scientist, the first procelain workshop of Limoges received royal patronage in 1773. Limoges, the town of procelain, was born.

Today^s Limgoes, in addition its beautiful Gothic cathedral, is famous for its manicipal musem and the Adrien Dubouche Musuem. The former displays more than 300 articles that are known as the seven treasures of Limousin, dated from 12th century up to modern days. The later has an collection of more than 10000 procelain works around the world. They perfertly fit in with the town.

這不是翻譯機作品! 只是找法國的地名人名都搞了一個鐘頭! 一切譯名有根據. 試查 wikipedia, 找limoges, limosin, anne robert jacques turgot, saint yrieix, adrien dubouche, 這些名稱的中文翻譯不統一, 只能選其中一個.
不過文中提那個科學家 burunera 真的找不到. 中文用音譯, 英文不能亂譯, 只好寫一位科學家便算

重申一次, 這不是翻譯機!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-19 15:20:13 補充:
查到 b字頭的陶瓷科學家是: Alexandre Brongnart. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandre_Brongniart5分實在太少了.....................................

2006-11-22 12:08:41 補充:
最後一段修正 (1) Today^s Limgoes, in addition to its beautiful Gothic cathedral, is famous for its municipal musem and the Adrien Dubouche Musuem.

2006-11-22 12:09:16 補充:
最後一段修正(2)The former displays more than 300 articles that are known as the seven treasures of Limousin, dated from 12th century to modern days. The later has an collection of more than 10000 procelain works from all over the world. They perfertly fit in with the town.

2006-11-22 21:41:56 補充:
to 天使愛美麗謝謝指正關於七宝燒ki 的資料. 真好, 如果因為分數太少而不嘗試便學不到了

2006-11-19 10:06:45 · answer #1 · answered by susanlau 7 · 0 0


2006-11-27 04:46:52 · answer #2 · answered by GE 6 · 0 0

只補充susanlau さん、

我正在翻譯這個, 我相信是有關的~

リムザン七宝 <-- 我相信並非七種寶物, 而是利穆贊省的琺瑯 (日文是七宝細工)


2006-11-22 11:28:36 · answer #3 · answered by 天使愛美麗 7 · 0 0


誕生鎮[rimojiyu] 1761年
陶瓷, [teyurugo]政客,當開始作為[rimozan]時州長,保證了整修鎮[rimojiyu]例如稅的公路網的改革和服務與著名經濟學者。
由於在1768白陶土(白色瓷土)的礦石發現與附近的太陽[iriyu],特別是力量傾吐了到瓦器製造產業的復興。 取決於那位努力和科學家[hurunera]研究, 1773年這家鎮第一家瓷工廠到達了點,皇家保護被接受。 這是鎮[rimojiyu]誕生陶瓷。
目前在鎮[rimojiyu]除美好的哥特式樣式大聖潔的大廳,陶瓷商品在市政博物館和世界之外[到達到今天從12個世紀300點或更多的rimuzan] Shippo被會集了大約10,000點被顯示了,肯定適當的設施在這個鎮裡依然是等等的[adorian] [doubujiyu]博物館。

2006-11-17 23:48:39 · answer #4 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Birth 1761 of town [rimojiyu]
of ceramics, [teyurugo] of the politician, when is inaugurated as [rimozan] governor, assured the renovation of the town of [rimojiyu] such as reformation of tax and service of the road network with the famous economic scholar.

Because in 1768 the ore of the kaolin (white porcelain clay) is discovered with nearby sun [iriyu], especially power was poured to revival of the pottery manufacture industry. Depending upon the research of that effort and scientist [hurunera], this town first porcelain factory reached the point where protection of the royal family is received in 1773. This is birth of town [rimojiyu] of the ceramics.

Presently in the town of [rimojiyu] other than the large saintly hall of beautiful Gothic style, the ceramic ware in the municipal museum and the world where [rimuzan] Shippo of 300 points or more which reach to today from 12 centuries was gathered approximately 10,000 point the [adorian] [doubujiyu] museum and the like which has been displayed, the surely suitable facility remains in this town.

2006-11-17 20:24:46 · answer #5 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

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