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英文的片語當中,哪些是to後面是接Ving或名詞的呢?例如說: according to + N(名詞)還有哪些是後面是接 Ving 或 名詞 的呢?請舉例,以及中文意思、例句。多多益善,3Q!

2006-11-16 16:34:02 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 ? 7 in 社會與文化 語言


2006-11-24 17:11:22 · update #1

3 個解答

1. according to 遵照~,根據~
eg. According to my dictionary, you are using that word in your essay incorrectly.
2. be up to 全憑~
eg. I don't care whether we go to the reception or not. It's up to you.
3. be up to (something) 正在策畫
eg.Those boys hiding behind the building must be up to something bad. 那群男孩躲在大樓後面,想必正在計畫幹什麼壞事。
4. be used to ( = get used to / be accustomed to) 已經習慣
eg. I am used to studying in the library, so it's difficult for me to study at home now.
5. come to 合計
eg.The bill for groceries at the supermarket came to fifty dollars.
7. get through to 讓人了解自己說的話
eg. Some of the students in my reading class understand English so poorly that it is difficult to get through to them.
8. give birth to 生小孩
eg. Jane's mother has just given birth to twin girls.
9. go up to (= come up to, walk up to, run up to, drive up to) 接近
eg. After the lecture, several people in the audience went up to the speaker to congratulate her.
10. live up to 達成(標準、承諾等)
eg. It was clear that the lazy student would never live up to his family's expectations.
11. look forward to 期待,盼望
eg. We're greatly looking forward to our vacation in Mexico.
12. look up to ( = show respect to) 尊敬
eg. Children will most certainly look up to their parents if the children are brought up well.
13. play up to 討好
eg. The other students in the class resent Jim because he plays up to the teacher in order to get better grades.
14. stick it to 欺騙(某人)
eg. Be careful in doing business with that salesperson. He'll stick it to you at the first opportunity.
15. stick to 堅守(承諾),遵守(規則、程序)
eg.If you try hard to stick to your principles, then you'll be able to live up to them.

2006-11-24 16:22:43 補充:
另外一種是含 to + N 的 故定型式片語, 如:1. come to an end 結束eg. The meeting finally came to an end at ten o'clock in the evening. 2. go to town 全心投入,徹底投入3. stands to reason 合乎道理

2006-11-24 16:23:57 補充:
字數有限, 無法補充例句, 你可參考OKWAP 英語霸<狄克生片語> or other....

2006-11-24 16:57:16 補充:
a reproach to
abandon yourself to
adjourn to
affiliate yourself to
akin to
as opposed to
as to
be (like) a mother to
be a disgrace to
be a foil to
be a martyr to
be a prelude to

2006-11-24 17:01:31 補充:
但例句要查 OKWAP 朗文當代

2006-11-24 11:21:22 · answer #1 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

只要 to 當介系詞用時,後面就要接名詞,我把網路及文法書上找到的片語整理如下(當然還有很多沒列出來的):

動詞與介系詞 to
look forward to, object to, devote oneself to, take to, have an(no) objection to, compare to, correspond to, relate to, refer to, accustom oneself to, commit oneself to, face up to, resign oneself to, resort to, sink to, belong to, pay attention to, give rise to, owe to

形容詞與介系詞 to
be used to, be opposed to, be devoted to, be friendly to, be limited to, be married to, be related to, be similar to, be superior to, be accustomed to, be addicted to, be reduced to, be equal to

其他常見以 to 結尾的片語
in addition to, in regard to, in relation to, with a view to, regard to, due to, thanks to, owing to, according to

由於片語數目眾多, 某些片語後面接人或物, 不常接動作, 如"belong to +人", 不易與"不定詞" to混淆, 所以只舉一些常見且容易和不定詞混淆的片語造例句:

1. be used to (習慣於):
I have been used to getting up early.
2. look forward to (盼望):
We all look forward to visiting you.
3. object to (反對):
I objected to having to rewrite the article.
4. devote to (將...奉獻給):
He devoted his energies to writing films.
5. take to (開始從事):
He took to studying English five years ago.
6. have objections to (反對):
He had moral objections to killing animals for food.
7. resort to (訴諸...的方法):
The writer resorts to misusing and abusing the language.
8. be addicted to (沈溺於):
Kids are addicted to surfing the Net.
9. commit to (承擔義務):
The banks have committed themselves to boosting profits by slashing costs.
10. with a view to (打算):
We bought the house with a view to retiring there.
11. resign to (順從,認命):
She has resigned to spending Christmas on her own.
12. be reduced to (淪落):
Eventually he was reduced to begging on the streets.
13. be accustomed to (習慣於):
We were accustomed to working together.
14. be opposed to (反對):
Our members are definitely opposed to making concessions on the safety question.

2006-11-24 12:47:55 · answer #2 · answered by 看看人生 4 · 0 0

The size of Japan is about equal to France

2006-11-24 06:37:22 · answer #3 · answered by Shawn 2 · 0 0

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