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我英文作文, 有時加了 the 老師又幫我刪左去‧
有時冇the, 老師又加~

究竟個the 點用?????

2006-11-14 20:27:35 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1 in 社會與文化 語言

3 個解答

”the" 其實係一個 "定冠詞" definite article

佢既用法比起 a 同 an 呢 d 不定冠詞 indefinite article 更複雜

可能咁講會難明 d,所以就講下一般學生作文時候既用法

1) 用來提及前文中已提過的名詞 noun

例如你提過 " I saw an apple." 你之後想講返個蘋果,就可以話 "The apple is rotten. (個蘋果係爛既)"

如果你前文都只係寫緊個 apple 而無其他死物,你大可以唔用 " the apple" 而用 "it",咁即係話如果你提過多過一樣野,而呢 d 野用第三人稱講既時候都係同一類,就要加 "the" 係你想講果樣野既前面。

例如:"I ate an apple and a banana for my lunch, but the apple is rotten. (我食左個蘋果同隻蕉做午餐,但個蘋果係爛既)"

2) 即使前文你無提過,有時你都要用 "the"。呢 d 情況多數係你講既事物係顯而易見,唔需要提及人地都會明既。

例如:"Can you close the door for me please?(你可以幫我關門嗎?)"

3)有特定條件而又無係前文提及的事物,都要加 "the"

例如:"The man who has a gun in his hand is my father. (手渣住支槍果個男人係我老豆)"

4) "the" 可以用來形容訴一個事物,或者係呢個事物既總稱

例l:"the robbers" 就係話 d 賊肯定係多過一個
但係 "the robber" 唔一定指個賊得一個,呢個要視乎文章內容而定

5) 特有既名詞,例如美國,英文應該係 "The United States", "The States", "The U.S.";又例如黃河應該係 "the Yellow River",無個 "the" 係錯的!!

6)係比較式裡面,最高級既要加 "the" 係形容詞前面

例:"My score is higher than yours.(我 d 分高過你)" 呢個係第 2 級,唔駛加

"My score is the highest in my class. (我既分數係全班最高)" 呢個就係最高級,要加 "the" 係形容詞前面

7) 有時加 "the"....係無得解的! 唔係講笑,因為呢 d 係約定俗成....

例如講時間會話 " in the evening","in the morning"

例如講方向就係 "...in the South", "...in the North"

*以上都係我自己所知既,d 例子全部都係我諗既,係 100% 原創! 雖然我唔係讀大學英文系,而且可能表達得唔係幾好,但希望我可以幫到你! ^^

2006-11-14 22:20:45 · answer #1 · answered by -Daywalker- 2 · 0 0

The - artical 冠詞(指定冠詞)
簡單來說, 指定的人或物前需用 the. 例:
Robert is very rich, however, the man is a miser. (指定是Robert)
This is a very nice chair, unfortunately, the chair is not for sell.(指定是那nice chair)

2006-11-15 10:21:31 · answer #2 · answered by byc8111 7 · 0 0


1. 這(個),那(個)
Do you know the man talking to the boss?
2. 這些,那些
Have you got the letters I sent you?
1. (用於形容詞,副詞比較級前)越...越...
The sooner, the better.
The older he gets, the more active he becomes.
2. (用於比較級前)更加
If you put in a good word for him, he's all the more likely to get the job.

2006-11-14 21:03:43 · answer #3 · answered by CrYstAl lee 6 · 0 0

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