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Being interested in the field of computer, I’d like to do any job about computer. What I like most is programming. Other like the 3D work, transforming and researching formats between multimedia, making animations, making and designing web pages, clipping and making movie clips, are all my hobbies.

I’m the eldest boy in my family. Beside the field of computer, my hobby is many ball games, surfing the Internet, seeing the movies and some hobbies like others’. I went to work and got economy-independent when I was graduated from senior high school, and I even lived alone for 1 and half years. During this period of time, I learned and knew a lot from the pressure of economy and live, and then, I became independent.

Talking about something special when I pursue my studies, I was usually the happy-maker in the class. My teachers always praised me for good handwriting. Since getting in touch in English at junior high school, I found myself interested in it and had more comprehension in grammar than others. After senior high school, I went to professional school to major the Information Management because I began to crazily love the field of computer.

I kept working after graduated from senior high school because I like to be economy-independent, and, there’s economic difficulty in my family. The latter reason was also why I couldn’t be a student of a graduate school (I’d passed an entrance examination of graduate school this year). But I’m not depressed; I plan to get some professional certificate as soon as possible to apply for a nice job. While I’m professional enough, in the future, I’d like to be the SOHO. And I think that is the trend of future work.

2006-11-13 12:10:00 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

3 個解答

這是自我介紹吧,你知到一個獵頭人平均只花60-90秒看一篇履歷,我剛剛看的快睡著了!!I’d like to do any job about computer 要變成 I like any job computing related. 還有履歷的重點不是在Like 是在 what you are good at! you can say. I enjoy programing very much, I am also very good at 3D work, transforming and researching formats between multimedia, making animations, making and designing web pages, clipping and making movie clips, 你的HOBBY是球類運動不是電腦相關!!第2段根地4段結合,談一下你的背景+你獨立的例子,請要精簡至5-6行吧!不用寫你不會後悔你沒上研究所,WHO CARES? 只要加強你實地工作經驗和證照等等! 還有第3段幾乎是廢話! 沒有人需要一個 Happy maker 在他們公司,大家要的事一個 leader, team worker or co-ordinator不是一個JOKER?!! 還有你是書法大賽冠軍嘛? 或是你要申請一個寫字很重要的工作? 不然My teachers always praised me for good handwriting 這句話也是白說了! 還有履歷不要寫的太熱情OR PASSIONATE " crazily love " 是錯誤的用法!!說真的,太多要改了,請你先自己把廢話改掉再從新貼一次吧! 而且這叫做 開場白信,covering letter, resume 要是真的長這樣,你會被笑掉大牙的!

2006-11-13 17:43:26 補充:
第一段寫你為啥要申請這份工作第二段寫你的背景經歷等等第三段重申你為何適合這份工作第四段你高興寫你的BALLGAME 或是 其他興趣

2006-11-13 17:46:07 補充:
還有除非你是要博同情,要申請獎學金或是貸款,沒有一個人會因為她家裡貧困而在他申請表上加分的!! 不需要耍悲情牌!! 不是台灣選舉只是申請工作!!

2006-11-18 09:33:13 補充:
英文履歷(求職用)不等於自傳,在英文字典,中文字典,日語字典,甚至連山地人土話英文履歷(求職用) 跟自傳兩字都是不一樣的東西!!


2006-11-13 12:35:45 · answer #1 · answered by billy 7 · 0 0


2006-11-17 22:18:59 補充:

2006-11-17 22:25:23 補充:
Grace及小粉兩位如果你們真的覺得 billy 的回答很好,那我想你們真的需要去翻一下"國語字典"查查「自傳 autobiography」是什麼意思。

2006-11-19 12:02:25 補充:

2006-11-17 17:18:24 · answer #2 · answered by ieyo2 1 · 0 0



2006-11-13 21:14:14 · answer #3 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

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