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Leonardo da Vinci--A Creative Life

Leonardo da Vinci, probably the most representative person of the European Renaissance, really needs no introduction. Called by many the “essential Renaissance man,” he was a painter, scholar, inventor, scientist, writer, and student of the human body. His work and interests covered the entire range of human knowledge as it was known at the time. For this reason, his life traditionally marks the beginning of the High Renaissance period in European history.

Leonardo da Vinci is probably most famous for his paintings, which include The Last Supper, The Virgin of the Rocks, and, last but not least, the Mona Lisa. Less famous, but certainly of great importance, are his notebooks, in which he wrote his one book, The Painter, as well as making notes on technology, science, human anatomy, architecture, and drawings of all these things. As an example of his great ability as an inventor, his notebooks contain designs for submarines and helicopters, hundreds of years before anyone had ever thought of them. It is said that, even today, if we were to use his designs to build machines, they would actually work.

To every person there are two sides, and da Vinci was no exception. In spite of his creative and inventive abilities, he was the kind of person who could never really finish too many projects, perhaps because of boredom. Most of his inventions were never built, and remained as designs in his notebooks, which were never published. His notebooks were written in “mirror writing,” that is, from right to left, so that they could be read using a mirror. Even his signature was written this way. He was a vegetarian and a person who loved animals and disliked war, yet he worked as a military engineer to invent advanced and deadly weapons. Leonardo da Vinci, inventor and creator, was certainly a man of contradictions.

by Jim Ascencio

2006-11-12 07:03:40 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 louis 1 in 社會與文化 語言

1 個解答

李奧納多 達文西(leonardo da vinci)是文藝復興時代(Renaissance period)最具代表性的名人之ㄧ,他的畫非常有名,如蒙娜麗莎的微笑(Mona Lisa Smile)、最後的晚餐(The Last Supper)等,但其實他在建築、科學、人體解剖、雕刻都有相當的天份,即使今天,我們還能利用他當時的設計來建造機器

其實他大多數的發明都沒有開發出來,雖然他不喜歡戰爭,但卻從事有關研發致命武器(deadly weapons)的工作,由此不難看出他是一個蠻矛盾的人

Leonardo da vinci is the most representative person of the Renaissance period.
His paintings are very famous, such as Mona Lisa Smile, the Last Supper, etc.

But in fact, he is quite talented in the field such as architecture, science, human anatomy and carving. Even by today, we still can use his design to make robots.

Most of his inventions have not been realized. Though he does not like wars, he devotes himself to deadly weapons research. We can tell he is a person full of conflicts from this fact.

2006-11-12 07:44:07 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

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