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"But you just said that I ought to have stopped"
"you should have; but you didn't..."
at this point i saw her glance down at something in the daisies.
"oh, look, how preety!"
it was an insect, a green and gold beetle, resting on the white petals of a daisy. Suddenly I felt as if I were emptied out--almost as if that secret over which I had agonized so long
had vanished in the sping air, carried away, lightly, like the white butterflies that were flitting around in pairs in the sunlight.
Yet with one dogged last hope, I asked:"But tell me , Iris , in your opinion, was I right or wrong not to stop?"
"you were right and you were wrong. of course, you ought to have stopped. after all, you had run into him.but, on the other hand, what good would it have done if you had?
He was dead by that time anyway and you would probably have got into a terrible mess.
You were both right and wrong."
after these words, a thought flashed through my mind. "this is the end of Iris. I'll never take her out again. I thought she was a bright, understanding girl. Instead, she is really nothing but a halfwit. Enough is enough."I jumped to my feet.
"come on , let's go "i said" otherwise, we'll be late for the movies."

2006-10-30 17:17:02 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 mina 2 in 社會與文化 語言

3 個解答

"But you just said that I ought to have stopped"

"you should have; but you didn't..."
你是應該; 但你沒停止....

at this point i saw her glance down at something in the daisies.

"oh, look, how preety!"
噢, 看啊, 多漂亮啊!

it was an insect, a green and gold beetle, resting on the white petals of a daisy. Suddenly I felt as if I were emptied out--almost as if that secret over which I had agonized so long
had vanished in the sping air, carried away, lightly, like the white butterflies that were flitting around in pairs in the sunlight.
那是一隻昆蟲, 一隻有著綠色和金色的甲蟲, 正停在雛菊白色的花瓣上.
突然間我覺得我像是被掏空了----彷彿那讓我長時間感到痛苦的秘密已經消失在春天的空氣中, 輕輕地,就像是成對的白色蝴蝶在陽光中, 輕快地帶走了它

Yet with one dogged last hope, I asked:"But tell me , Iris , in your opinion, was I right or wrong not to stop?"
但是持著最後一絲固執的希望,我問道:"但是告訴我, Iris, 以你之見, 我沒停下來到底是對是錯?"

"you were right and you were wrong. of course, you ought to have stopped. after all, you had run into him.but, on the other hand, what good would it have done if you had?
He was dead by that time anyway and you would probably have got into a terrible mess.
You were both right and wrong."
"你是對的也是錯的. 當然, 你應該停下來, 畢竟, 你已經跑向他. 但是就另一方面來說, 如果你停下來會有什麼好處嗎? 他那時反正都死亡了, 而你可能會陷入一團糟.所以你是對也是錯.

after these words, a thought flashed through my mind. "this is the end of Iris. I'll never take her out again. I thought she was a bright, understanding girl. Instead, she is really nothing but a halfwit. Enough is enough."I jumped to my feet.
聽到這些話, 一個想法掠過我的心頭."Iris就是這樣了, 我不會再和她出去了, 我以為她是一個聰明, 了解事情的女孩. 然而, 她只不過是一個傻瓜. 到此為止了,"我站了起來.
"come on , let's go "i said" otherwise, we'll be late for the movies."
"來吧, 我們該走了"我說, "否則我們看電影要遲到了"

2006-10-30 18:24:05 · answer #1 · answered by 相思已是不曾閒 5 · 0 0

前面的you have~怎麼會翻成"你有"呢?

2006-11-08 11:24:35 · answer #2 · answered by Bertha 1 · 0 0

"你有; 但是你沒 ..."
它是一只昆蟲,綠色和金甲蟲,放在一枝雛菊的白色的花瓣上。 突然我彷彿覺得我在外被弄空 --幾乎,祕密的那越過哪個我感到極度痛苦如此長好像
已經在sping 空氣裡消失,運走,輕輕,象正在陽光號裡到處成對輕快地飛的白色的蝴蝶一樣。
然而用一跟蹤上次希望,我要求︰ "但是告訴我,艾裡斯,在你看來,我正確還是不停止是錯誤的"?
"你正確,你錯了。 當然,你本應停止。 終究,你已經遇到他。 但是, 另一方面,如果你有,它將做什麼利益?
你既正確又錯誤。 "
在這些話之后,一種想法掠過我的心頭。 "這是艾裡斯的末端。 我絕不會再次帶她外出。 我認為她是一個聰明,理解的女孩。 相反,她真的只是一個笨蛋。 足夠是足夠的。 "我跳起。
"跟我來,讓我們走"i 說"否則,我們將去電影遲到。 "

preety>>我改成pretty(漂亮) 這樣我比較好解讀= =

2006-10-30 22:43:33 補充:
"跟我來,讓我們走"我說"否則,我們將去電影遲到。 "這是最後一句 我打成英文 I(我) 更正

2006-10-30 17:42:14 · answer #3 · answered by 聖堂 2 · 0 0

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