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2006-10-28 09:03:39 · 8 個解答 · 發問者 彭總裁 2 in 社會與文化 語言

8 個解答

(Most/Many) People in Taiwan are not only wasting the available water resources now but (also) at the same time spoiling those they will need in the future.台灣人在這裡的語意要先搞清楚,我這裡用people in Taiwan 而不用the Taiwanese的主要原因是因為the Taiwanese所指的也可以包含在海外的台灣人!而People in Taiwan所表示的是在台灣的人,當然它有可能指的對象也包含此刻在台灣的老外,但大部分的指涉應該還是指住在台灣的the Taiwanese(就算是也無妨,因為都可以算在共犯結構中的一員吧!)!不過我倒是覺得加上個most或many,語氣才不會那麼的武斷或以偏概全!those 在這裡指的是"water resources",用指示代名詞以避免重複!

2006-10-29 13:42:39 補充:
OR: . . . being recklessly exploited
. . . being overly abused
. . . being tragically devastated
Anyways, it's just merely a matter of word choice.

2006-10-29 13:48:24 補充:
T40: 不好意思小挑一下毛病,莫怪!
1. "water source(s)水源" 跟 "water rescources水資源" 似乎是不太相同的概念!
2. not only 接句子要倒裝,但but also後就不用了,應該是寫成一般的順序即可:

2006-10-29 13:51:59 補充:
not only "does" (the) current water usage "represent" a bad case of uncontrolled lavishness, but also the (as of yet)untapped water source "is" being . . . .

2006-10-28 10:01:18 · answer #1 · answered by Adam 7 · 0 0

T40 ....Orz

How about "wantonly undermined"?

2006-10-29 03:16:40 · answer #2 · answered by YLJ 7 · 0 0


(The picture for water supply in Taiwan is somewhat bleak); not only is current water usage represents a bad case of uncontrolled lavishness, but also is the (as of yet)untapped water source being (woefully tampered with/badly contaminated/seriously undermined.)

2006-10-29 14:07:53 補充:

一點都沒有問題,其實我常想究竟有沒有人在看這些東東,我不意外你抓到這些毛病,謝謝你仔細看我的廢話。其實我常常留下小毛病,但是總覺得沒什麼人在看。我自己是挺細心看別人的好東西,這也是我常常變成在你對面的原因。 @@”(沒惡意,討論罷了!)



2006-10-29 14:19:42 補充:
Btw, I would say "Anyway, it's just/merely a matter of word choice/ personal preference."


2006-10-28 21:39:48 · answer #3 · answered by T40 5 · 0 0

Taiwanese not only waste is using of water, also Be breaking return useless go to of water resource.

2006-10-28 10:17:44 · answer #4 · answered by 2 · 0 0

People in Taiwan don't cherish the water currently available, not to mention the potential water resources.

2006-10-28 09:35:14 · answer #5 · answered by Kevin 7 · 0 0

lotus73621's answer is not bad.

2006-10-28 09:29:21 · answer #6 · answered by 帥和 5 · 0 0

Not only are the Taiwanese wasting current water supply, they are also damaging undeveloped water resources.

2006-10-28 09:19:36 · answer #7 · answered by Kristin 2 · 0 0

Unless waste the water ,Taiwaness also destroy the source of water.

2006-10-28 09:08:48 · answer #8 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

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