我已經爬過文 但還是想再清楚了解
因為老師期中考要 每個人上台說明一個例句跟解釋該句的同位語 2-3鐘
同位語( appoistive )
例句 Mr.Smith, our new teacher, is very kind to us
--mr.smith是主詞 後面的our new teacher 是指前面的mr.smith 所以是同位語
所以 關於同位語 還有沒有文法上可以補充說明的解釋? 謝謝!
2006-10-26 08:58:08 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 ➔ 語言
「同位」(apposition) 指「名詞或名詞相等語」與其他的「名詞或名詞相等語」並列,以充作補充說明之用,這樣的關係即稱為「同位」。「同位」可以分成下列幾種類型:
(1) 「名詞+名詞」
Mr. Huang, our new teacher, teaches us English.
Baseball, his favorite sport, has brought him a lot of good friends.
President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.
(2) 「代名詞+名詞」
We Taiwanese live on rice.
The hope of Taiwan lies in you young men.
(3) 「名詞+名詞子句」
Is there any proof that the gun was his?
The fact that he was dead made no particular difference to her.
The question whether he should have an operation or not troubled him. (該不該動手術這個問題困擾著他。)
(4) 「句子+名詞」
The summer continued hot and dry, a condition which gave rise to the danger of forest fires. (該夏季一直又熱又乾,這種情況有發生森林火災的危險。)
Naturally I left the letter unanswered ─ the only way to keep myself from their company. (我當然不予回信,這是我跟他們斷絕關係的唯一辦法。)
(5) 「名詞+of+名詞」
此一 of 用於表示「叫作~」或「像~似的」之意。
(a) 「叫作~」
the city of London (叫作倫敦的城市→即倫敦市)
his habit of smoking (他的抽煙習慣)
(b) 「像~似的」<名詞+of a+名詞>:這是充滿感情的說法,前半的 <名詞+of> 係扮演後面的名詞的形容詞的角色。
an angel of a girl = a girl like an angel (天使般的女孩)
this jewel of an island (這個寶石般的島嶼)
2006-10-26 11:35:33 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin 7 · 1⤊ 0⤋