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我係讀緊f.3,英中...我想improve 下我d英文~
有咩書係唔係好深,又可能improve 英文嫁~
我係想要d有趣又學得多英文(最好係多d expression...我可以用係composition到)

不過都唔好太淺...thx a lot~

2006-10-18 14:29:56 · 6 個解答 · 發問者 stephnaie 3 in 遊戲與休閒活動 其他:遊戲與休閒活動

6 個解答

我好鍾意睇書的. 之前都答過類似的問題, 我可以介紹d書比你.

比少少睇英文書的tips你! 首先, 最初時, 你可以睇d短少少, 淺少少的英文書. 當你慢慢睇多幾本後, 你會有多少少自信的. 之後你再慢慢睇d深少少, 長少少的英文書. 另外, 睇書查字典會係幾煩的, 所以當你遇到一個新的生字唔識時, 盡可能由上文下理去估個字點解. 如果真係唔明, 你就去查字典啦!

1) Jane Austen 的 Pride and Prejudice (傲慢與偏見), Sense and Sensibility (理性與感性). Pride and Prejudice 唔會好深, 但如果你係男仔就未必會鍾意睇. 這兩個都係愛情故事來的, 較適合女仔睇.

2) Shakespeare 的 Macbeth . 我覺得個故事都幾可悲... 阿爸比個仔殺咗, 個仔仲同阿媽結咗婚... 這本係我第一本睇的 Shakespeare. 我覺得幾好!

3) Louisa May Alcott 的 Little Women (小婦人). 故事環繞四姊妹的. 但主角是第二個女--joe. 好好睇的!

4) Gaston Leroux 的 The Phantom of the Opera . 講歌劇院內的一隻 *鬼*同一個女演員的故事. 這個故事有做過歌劇 , 有戲... 好感人的.

5) L. Frank Baum 的 The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (綠野仙蹤) .

6) Charles Dicken 的 David Copperfield , A Tale of Two Cities , Three Chost Stories 都唔錯的.

7) Arthur Conan Doyle 的 The Lost World . 講一班人去到一個荒島, 發現原來仲有恐龍... 我以前睇過一次, 好緊張, 好精彩的. Jurassic Park 2抄呢個故事的. 但這本原著好過套戲好多好多.

8)Arthur Conan Doyle 的 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. (福爾摩斯).

9) Lemony Snicket 的 A Series of Unfortunately Events (波特萊爾的冒險), 都會好岩你睇. 個故事係講三個姊弟妹由父母死後, 所發生的一連串不幸事件的. 雖然係 *不幸*事件, 但好得意的! 英文亦唔難明.

10) 如果你鍾意science fiction, Frank Peretti 的 This Present Darkness , Piercing the Darkness , The Veritas Project: Hangman's Curse , The Veritas Project: Nightmare Academy , The Visitation , The Oath , Prophet , 同Monster 都好好睇. 我次次睇佢的書都停唔到手. 成日睇通宵!!!

11) Jostein Gaarder 的 A Christmas Mystery , The Solitaire Mystery , The Ringmaster*s Daughter, Sophie*s World , *Through a Glass, Darkly*都好好睇的. Jostein Gaarder的書關於人生哲學的, 但唔會難明.

12) Voltaire 的Candide . Candide的性格好阿Q, 本書講佢一生的歷險... 都幾好笑... 可以令你諗好多野... 係一本幾好的英國文學小說.

13) Roald Dahl 的書. 佢係我第一個喜歡的英文作家. 佢寫咗好多兒童故事書, 好似 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (朱古力獎門人) . 佢用的英文唔會難明, 而且好好睇. Charlie系列仲有續集, 叫 Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator, 都好好睇的. 另外 Roald Dahl的其他作品 James and the Giant Peach , The Witches , The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me , Matilda 等等, 都好好睇的.

14) 你有睇過中文版的哈里波特嗎? 其實英文版比中文更好睇. 最初時, 或者你會須要查多d英文, 但慢慢你識多d字後, 就可以明多d, 查少d了. J.K. Rowling 的 Harry Potter 系列. 暫時出了六本. 雖然大大本, 但好好睇, 唔會睇唔明!

15) The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster is also a very good book. It is about a very bored boy named Milo and accidently gets into the Kingdom of Wisdom. He has had a lot of adventures in the Kingdom and has made a lot friends. 我好鍾意這本書. 個內容好得意!

16) Jackie Pullinger 的 Chasing the Dragon 都好好睇的. 講一個外國女人去九龍城寨到傳基督教福音. 真人真事, 好值得睇.

你可以去 World Wide School Library . 佢地有好多書的.

如想我介紹更多其他書比你, 你send mail比我啦! Enjoy reading!

2006-10-21 12:09:57 · answer #1 · answered by MooYee 7 · 0 0

It's absolutely amazing! Great effort and patient to answer! Bravo!

2007-02-22 11:56:43 · answer #2 · answered by Missy 3 · 0 0

Naria(The lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe)獅王·女巫·衣櫥

2006-10-18 14:57:55 · answer #3 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

你可以 讀一d f.2既英文書打好過底先,你可以睇一d''老鼠記者''(有英文版)既書...


2006-10-18 14:45:32 · answer #4 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon

Ties That Bind, Ties That Break by Lensey Namioka

2006-10-18 14:35:36 · answer #5 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Harry Potter
Stories Here And Now

2006-10-18 14:33:36 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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