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1.How do you feel about John anyway? Sometimes you two seem to love ______ but sometimes you seem to hate_____.
(A)the other , each other (B)another , each other (C)one another , each other (D)each other , each other 為什麼答案 是C 不是D??

2.Peter said he loves me,but I don't feel _____him.
(A)the same as (B)the same to (C)the same about (D)the same in
為什麼答案 是C 不是A......不是都用as嗎?

3.I am so full. I can't have _____bite.
(A)another(B)other(C)the other(D)each other

When women see a movie,they seem to be able to feel ___1___the poor roles feel. But men cannot understand such feelings.It seems that they can tell very well between what is real___2___ what is not. Even when a man feels ___3___ crying,he tries hard to stop the tears-___4___ in public andalone-because most men think of this ___5___ an act of weakness.

1.(A)what (B)which(C)when(D)why
2.(A)or (B)but (C)and (D)by
3.(A)abiut (B)like (C)something(D)not
5.(A) for (B)to (C)as (D)in

這篇可順便給翻譯嗎?? 我自己翻起來怪怪的..

上面解析要詳細一點 要說為什麼...不要只給答案
謝謝 大家..

2006-10-15 16:37:01 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1 in 社會與文化 語言

1 個解答

一般的規則是: each other用於兩個人, one another用於三個人(含)以上, 不過有很多西方學者認為兩者是通用的. 至於為何是C不是D, 或許是求變化吧. 考試時就這樣選, 自己心裡知道怎麼回事就好.
如果你要用as, 應該這樣寫: I don't think the same as he does. 我跟他的想法不同. feel about someone是對某人的"感覺", 把句子寫完整就是: ...I don't feel about him in the same way as he feels about me. 我對他沒有(他對我的)那種感覺.
(A)what the poor roles feel: 悲劇角色的感受
(C)tell ... between A and B: 區分A和B的不同
(A)about: feel about+Ving 想...
(B)both A and B: A和B都...
(C)think of A as B: 認為A是B
女人在看電影的時候, 比較能夠體會悲劇角色的感受. 但是男性就無法體會. 男性似乎很容易區分真實與幻境. 當男人想哭時, 在公眾場合和私底下都一樣會壓抑他的眼淚 , 因為多數男人認為哭是一種懦弱的表現.

2006-10-15 22:18:38 補充:
訂正: feel about+Ving 改 feel like+Ving

2006-10-15 18:13:00 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin 7 · 0 0

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