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A : 你有看昨日的頭條新聞嗎?
B : 你說的是昨天警方查獲的那一批海洛英嗎?
A : 沒錯,是在走私時被發現的.新聞報導說那批毒品的市價逾3億元.
B : 3億元?太誇張了吧
A : 聽說不只海洛因, 還有為數不少的嗎啡及古柯鹼
B : 天阿!這些可都是一級毒品呢!
A : 大部分走私毒品的人,如果是以運輸飯賣而言,罪行都很重的
B : 例如呢?
A : 像這次走私的都是一級毒品,所以只有死刑及無期徒刑可以選擇
B : 但現在廢除了死刑,所以判無期徒刑是必然的囉?是否可減刑呢?
A : 如依毒品條例供出上手可減刑,或刑法上有其他斟酌量刑的規定,有可能減為有期徒刑
B : 哀...比起免錢飯,我寧願努力一點

2006-10-14 21:15:48 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 ♂冬眠↘ 2 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

A:Have you read the head line yesterday?
B:You mean the heroin which were found by the polic yesterday?
A:Yap, it was found during smuggling, and according to the news, it worth more than three hundred million dollars.
B:Three hundred million?You're kidding!
A:Most of thepeople who smuggle drugs such as carry and peddle them would get serious penalties.
B:Give me some example.
AWell, like this time,all they smuggled were the most serious drugs, so they there's only death penalty and life imprisonment can be chooesed.
B:But now there's no death penalty, so they must be punished by life imprisonment now?
Is it possible to ease the penalties?
A:According to the law, if they told the police who gave them the drugs, or there may be some rules migh ease his denalty into an imprisonment for a definite term.
B:Well, I'd rather hard-working to the free meal.

2006-10-14 21:54:40 · answer #1 · answered by =3=樂樂=3= 2 · 0 0

Did you read the headline yesterday?
You mean the lot of heroine tracked down by the police yesterday?
Yeah, they're caught while smuggling. The news said it's worth over thirty thousand grands on the market.
Thirty thousand grands? No way!
I heard there're also some morphine and cocaine other than just heroine.
Jesus! They are all first-grade drugs.
They put heavy charges against smugglers for shipping and dealing dope.
Like what?
For the first-grade drugs in this case, you have only death and life sentences to choose from.
Since death penalty has been abolished, life sentence will be a sure thing, right? Is a remission possible?
According to the drug regulations, it's possible if one turns in his superior, or it could be reduced to limited sentences if there are other regulations about remission in the criminal law.
Well, I'd rather work hard to pay my own bills than have free meals in jail.

2006-10-14 22:44:50 · answer #2 · answered by Kevin 7 · 0 0

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