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Consumers have a tendency to buy more where credit cards are accepted for payment of merchandise.
You cannot use credit cards where you shop.
There are a few places of business where a credit card is not accepted.
Travelers can use credit cards in foreign countries where they are accepted.


2006-10-12 12:52:50 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

where 後面一定是接從屬子句
1. 客人通常會選擇可用信用卡付費的商店大量消費
2. 你消費時不能用信用卡
3. 很少商店是不接受信用卡付費 (也就是大部分商店都接受信用卡付費)
where此時代表先行詞 a few places of business
4. 旅人在入境後可以在那個國家使用信用卡
where指的是foreign countries 也就是旅人可入境的國家

2006-10-12 13:19:28 · answer #1 · answered by Margeurite 2 · 0 0

首先, 用一個簡單的例子:
I live where I work.(我住在我上班工作的地方)
where所引導的子句, 當副詞用, 表示地方. 更簡化來看:
I live in Taipei.
I live here.
基本結構: 主詞(S.)+動詞(V.)+副詞(Adv.)
畫底線的部分, 功能都一樣, 只是以不同的型態(子句, 片語, 單字)呈現, 端看你要的表現方式.
Consumers have a tendency to buy more where credit cards are accepted for payment of merchandise.
(在可以刷卡的地方, 消費量容易增加)
S: consumers
V: have a tendancy to buy more(動詞相關字群)
Adv: where...

您問: 為什麼是用where來當從屬連接詞, 其實不見得
Consumers have a tendancy to buy more when credit cards are accepted for payment of merchandise.
(當刷卡觀念普及時, 消費量容易增加)
You cannot use credit cards where you shop. 結構是一樣的.

This is a park where you can take a walk.
where所引導的子句, 當形容詞用, 說明park的特性.
There are a few places of business where a credit card is not accepted.
Travelers can use credit cards in foreign countries where they are accepted.

其實, where所引導的子句, 也可以當名詞用:
Where I live is not important.
I can't remember where he lived.

2006-10-12 21:45:40 補充:
倒數第七行訂正: 有些營業場所是不能刷卡的

2006-10-12 17:37:37 · answer #2 · answered by Kevin 7 · 0 0

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