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as if +v表直述
as if +v-ing表[ ]
as if+to vr表未來
as if+had pp表過去
It was as if I could hear it ticking for the past two days.
能否打出正確且完整ㄉas if ㄉ用法

2006-10-07 13:29:01 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Tony 2 in 社會與文化 語言

3 個解答

as if:好像是....可以用在與現在事實相反的假設法中,Be動詞一律都用were.也可以用與過去事實相反 had+ppex:The child talked as if he were a man.   中文:那個小孩講起話來好像是大人.解析:事實上那個小孩並不是大人,因為是與現在的事實相反我們be動詞     一律都用were.ex: Yesterday you wore as if you had just come back from       outer space.    昨天你的穿著看起來好像剛從外太空回來.解析: 我們使用與過去事實相反had+pp,是因為時間是昨天加上你昨天也沒      有去過外太空,所以才使用had+pp  It was as if I could hear it ticking for the past two days.你這句話有點怪怪的.因為as if通常第一個都是以人居多,我還沒看過用It was 開頭,我覺得你要不要在確認一下. 所以並沒有as if +v-ing表[ ],as if+to vr表未來

2006-10-07 20:43:57 · answer #1 · answered by HUIHUI 5 · 0 0


as if+ to V 彷彿要
ex: He opende his mouth as if to tell me something.

as if 後面可以加現在分詞.過去分詞.和形容詞 (是省略用法的關係)
ex: He walked to and fro as if (he were) truing to curb his anger.

2010-07-05 12:16:24 補充:
* truing → trying 打錯了

2010-07-05 08:15:16 · answer #2 · answered by 玉米 1 · 0 0

It was as if I could hear it ticking for the past two days.as if +v-ing表假設過去

2006-10-07 14:45:54 · answer #3 · answered by 007.棒.真是棒     7 · 0 0

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