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所以不知道該不該離婚 也不知跟孩子如何開口

希望大大們能翻成簡單的英文,不要用太難的字彙 = =


2006-10-02 14:05:11 · 7 個解答 · 發問者 ten 2 in 社會與文化 語言

我就用投票來決定好了= =

2006-10-10 14:50:07 · update #1

7 個解答

離婚是大人的事,不應該把情緒牽連到小孩子身上,我認為要讓孩子了解離婚的原因,相信孩子都會理解的,重要的是要孩子相信你 The divorce should stay between 2 adults. We should not influence the kids with our emotions. I believe as long as we explain the situation to the kids truthfully, they would often understand. Most importantly, you do not violate the trusts that the kids have in you.  

2006-10-03 06:45:29 · answer #1 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

我一直都有過敏狀況,是最近才知道要用防螨寢具的,因為醫師建議我用,我也考慮了很久,想說要買就買最好的,上個月趁網站有折扣的時候買了一組【北之特】防蹣(螨)寢具來用用看,真沒想到~~現在覺得過敏狀況有改善多了。雖然比一般的貴一些,不過~真值得!對了~到官網購買比百貨公司專櫃還便宜喔! ^^

2014-05-12 01:45:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

我會投給5號,4號和1號 他們都不錯
(不能投了 就發表在這裡 :)

2006-11-25 21:13:03 · answer #3 · answered by Angela 3 · 0 0

Divorce or not, leave the matter to you adults and keep the kids away from your emotional turmoil.

My suggestion is, let them know why you want to make the decision. They will understand, I believe. The important thing is, have them believe in you.

2006-10-05 00:11:35 · answer #4 · answered by 卡夫卡貓 3 · 0 0

jj ( 初學者 5 級 ), 您自己的那句 "Please, and don't over-react the intense feeling and drag the children in." 也有待修正.

2006-10-03 07:08:27 · answer #5 · answered by connoisseur 5 · 0 0

Has two children
Justs they long since all are quarrel cross day
And then lately the bridegroom's or husband's side have divorce idea
But he and frightens divorce after can leave child
Because he very loves their child
Does not know should not should divorcement Too does not know with child how to open mouth

2006-10-02 15:14:05 · answer #6 · answered by Billy 3 · 0 0

"Divorce is a matter between two adults. Please, and don't over-react the intense feeling and drag the children in. However, I think it's necessary to explain the divorce reasons to the children. I believe they will understand. The point is to have them trust you. "

2006-10-03 07:59:07 補充:
"Because he very loves their child","I think should explain to the kids why you are divorcing".
Sir, this is not English! It's good you try to help, but you have to know what you are doing.

2006-10-05 20:24:03 補充:
Thanks for the reminding, but, well, being a little colloquial is a personal taste, I wouldn't say it's a mistake.
My point is---don't try to answer questions unless you have a little bit understanding. Otherwise, your help might be someone's regret.

2006-10-02 14:26:17 · answer #7 · answered by jj 2 · 0 0

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