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É tão bom bombombom

Quem quer pão pão pão pão
Bom estar contigo na televisão
É tão bom bombombom
Quem quer pão pão pão pão
Bom estar contigo no meu coração

Agente já pulou, brincou
Ficamos juntos dia-dia
agente se multiplicou
E dividimos alegira
Agente sabe que viver é muito mais que uma aventura
Agente sabe que vencer
é pra que sonha e quem procura
Agente brinca de esconder
E sempre agente faz de conta
Um dia agente vai crescer
Do mundo agente tomar conta
Agente quer o azul do céu eo sol brilhando com certeza
Agente quer da vida o mel
Tão puro feito a natulreza

É tão bom bombombom
Quem quer pão pão pão pão
Bom estar contigo na televisão
É tão bom bombombom
Quem quer pão pão pão pão
Bom estar contigo no meu coração

É tão bom bombombom
Quem quer pão pão pão pão
Bom estar contigo na televisão
É tão bom bombombom
Quem quer pão pão pão pão
Bom estar contigo no meu coração

Agente já pulou, brincou
Ficamos juntos dia-dia
agente se multiplicou

2006-08-18 06:20:53 · 5 respostas · perguntado por Anonymous em Entretenimento e Música Música

5 respostas

It's so good good,good,good
Who wants bread bread bread bread
Good being with you in the television
It' s so good good,good,good
Who wants bread bread bread bread
Good being with you in my heart
We've already jumped, played
Stay together day by day
We've multiplied
And we divide happiness
We know that to live it is much more that an adventure
We know that to be successful
it is for who that dream and who search
We play to hide and
We always make of account
One day we go to grow
And take care of the world
We want blue of the sky and the sun shining with certain
We want the honey of the life
So pure like nature

2006-08-18 07:15:34 · answer #1 · answered by Microbia 4 · 2 0

A Xuxa passou por um processo estranho, enquanto ela estava sobre o Comando da Marlene Mattos ela fazia exatamente tudo que a mídia e os grandes negociantes da comunicação faziam. Fez até bem de mais, transpassou as fronteiras tendo programa na Argentina e nos Canais Latinos da América do Norte, ganhou muito dinheiro e criou a regra "Loiras bonitas para programas infantis", de repente ela se tocou que era apenas um bibelô na mão de muita gente pra ganhar dinheiro, mas aí já era tarde demais, ao tentar se contradizer e aproximar seu programa de algo mais educativo e saudavel, ela fez cair vertiginosamente os indices de audiencia. O ESTRAGO JÀ ESTAVA FEITO. As crianças já tinham adintado o seu processo de amadurecimento, já achavam legal se pintar, discutir namoricos e andar de pernas de fora. A Sacha mudou a vida da Xuxa, mas até a naturalidade de ser mãe solteira (apesar que é discutivel isso), serviu de desculpas pra adolescentes terem suas produções independentes. Xuxa agora tenta manter um programa com uma visão futurista, tenta o equilibrio... Não precisa mais ganhar "muito" dinheiro e nem fazer a moda e ditar regras pra sociedade ... Realmente, estamos assistindo sua decadência... Boa ou Má, Xuxa deixou marcas indeléveis, e talvez num futuro bem próximo, o filme AMOR ESTRANHO AMOR seja apenas uma peça de museu que não desperte mais curiosidade em ninguém .. Seja apenas parte da história de alguém que ajudou a degringolar nossas familias e nossa sociedade.

http:// video.google.com / videoplay? docid=-3173601692623146050 & ampq=xuxa

http:/ / carlosedu.gigafoto.com. br

2006-08-20 17:21:35 · answer #2 · answered by ecbril 4 · 0 0

Bombombom is so good Who wants bread bread bread bread Good for being with you in the television Is so good bombombom Who wants bread bread bread bread Good for being with you in my heart Agent already jumped, agent day-day played Is together if it multiplied and we divide alegira Agent knows that to live it is much more that an Agent adventure knows that to be successful is pra that it dreams and who Agent search plays to hide and agent always makes of account One day agent goes to grow Of the agent world to take account Agent wants blue of the sky eo sun shining with Agent certainty wants of the life the So pure honey made the natulreza Bombombom is so good Who wants bread bread bread bread Good for being with you in the television Is so good bombombom Who wants bread bread bread bread Good for being with you in my heart Bombombom is so good Who wants bread bread bread bread Good for being with you in the television Is so good bombombom Who wants bread bread bread bread Good for being with you in my heart Agent already jumped, played Is together agent day-day if she multiplied

2006-08-18 13:30:24 · answer #3 · answered by Dark22 2 · 0 0

It is so good good good good
Who wants bread bread bread bread
Good for being with you in the television
It is so good good good good
Who wants bread bread bread bread
Good for being with you in my heart
Agent already jumped, played
We are together day-day
agent if multiplied
E we divide joy
Agent knows that to live it is much more that an adventure
Agent knows that to be successful
he is pra that it dreams and who search
Agent plays to hide
E always agent makes of account
One day agent goes to grow
Of the agent world to take account
Agent wants blue of the sky eo sun shining with certainty
Agent wants of the life the honey
So pure made the nature
It is so good good good good
Who wants bread bread bread bread
Good for being with you in the television
It is so good good good good
Who wants bread bread bread bread
Good for being with you in my heart
It is so good good good good
Who wants bread bread bread bread
Good for being with you in the television
It is so good good good good
Who wants bread bread bread bread
Good for being with you in my heart
Agent already jumped, played
We are together day-day

2006-08-18 13:30:20 · answer #4 · answered by Fabiano A 5 · 0 0

Bombombom is so good Who wants bread bread bread bread Good for being with you in the television Is so good bombombom Who wants bread bread bread bread Good for being with you in my heart Agent already jumped, agent day-day played Is together if it multiplied and we divide alegira Agent knows that to live it is much more that an Agent adventure knows that to be successful is pra that it dreams and who Agent search plays to hide and agent always makes of account One day agent goes to grow Of the agent world to take account Agent wants blue of the sky eo sun shining with Agent certainty wants of the life the So pure honey made the natulreza Bombombom is so good Who wants bread bread bread bread Good for being with you in the television Is so good bombombom Who wants bread bread bread bread Good for being with you in my heart Bombombom is so good Who wants bread bread bread bread Good for being with you in the television Is so good bombombom Who wants bread bread bread bread Good for being with you in my heart Agent already jumped, played Is together agent day-day if she multiplied

2006-08-18 13:30:12 · answer #5 · answered by nois no dvd 2 · 0 0

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