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---------- differences

2006-07-25 11:13:46 · 12 個解答 · 發問者 Jason 1 in 社會與文化 語言

12 個解答


我會建議不妨用:Personality Diversity(或 Diversities)
一般所謂的個性不合是指彼此間相處或做事方式與態度等不適合對方, 不是指個人的特質性格方面的個性, 所以較適用 Personality, 而非 character。Difference 較用於說東西的不同, 或是不同的東西, 這裡是指彼此的差異化, 所以 Diversity 會較適合。

2006-07-25 11:40:18 · answer #1 · answered by 心星 6 · 0 0

We don't fit each other.(不用加to) 這是我在影集裡聽到的對話, 參考看看摟!

2006-08-03 13:25:45 · answer #2 · answered by Shawn 4 · 0 0

Individuality is not suitable.


2006-07-26 12:37:56 · answer #3 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

如果要直接跟對方講,就說:You're not my type. 婉轉一點,就說:We have lots of differences. 換句話說:We don't have many things in common.

2006-07-25 15:52:15 · answer #4 · answered by Winebear 5 · 0 0

The individuality does not gather

2006-07-25 12:51:49 · answer #5 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0


Her disposition is not in harmony with mine. (not in harmony with..... : 與...無法琴瑟和諧)
Her disposition does not go well with mine. (not go well with 搭配起來不佳 )
We have temperaments that don't go along well. (not go along well 相處不來)
Our personality traits are not in sync. (not in sync 是"不同調"之意)

diposition, temperament 與 personality trait均表示"個性"之意

2006-07-25 12:50:05 · answer #6 · answered by C L 7 · 0 0

回 答 者: Rei ( 初學者 4 級 ) [ 檢舉 ]
回答時間: 2006-07-25 15:27:05

We didn't have much in common.
Our personality didn't match at all...

2006-07-25 12:33:31 · answer #7 · answered by RenRen 7 · 0 0

Hi !the answer as below: unmatched characters of each other.

2006-07-25 12:27:18 · answer #8 · answered by 文君 1 · 0 0

"個性"可以用: personality

"個性不合"的英文可以是: personality differences

又可以說: Our personalities don't match.

希望對你有幫助 :P

2006-07-25 16:03:51 補充:
i feel the need to add something more.. when you are having a conversation in a daily basis, the most common way of saying "個性不合" are probably the two that i just mentioned above.

2006-07-25 16:05:30 補充:
it is definitely "OK" to say 'personality differences'. for example:robert and sasha broke up because of personality differences.

2006-07-25 16:06:48 補充:
or you can say what Rei replied: We didn't have much in common. although the meaning is not quite the same but still gets the message across.just my 2 cents. thx~

2006-07-25 17:04:32 補充:
課本裡學到的, 學校教的, 字典查的.. 有時候跟日常生活上會用到的是不大一樣的喔~~

2006-07-25 11:25:04 · answer #9 · answered by KraftDinner 4 · 0 0

建議你不要用differences這個字是 "不同" 而非 "不合" 有點詞不達義我建議用 unmatched characters of each other 字義上翻成 "彼此個性不合"

2006-07-25 16:18:50 補充:
To 心星 :Personality是人格特質, 若要跟character比較的話 我覺得還是後者比較跟中文的 "個性" 接近, 如果你想想什麼叫做 "個性" 再想想什麼叫做 "做事方式和態度" 就曉得了~因為發問人問的是 "個性不合" 指的是彼此天生的特性而不是後天所謂做事方式和態度~反而是Diversity這個字錯誤比較嚴重Diversity的字面翻譯是 "多樣" 這跟 "不合" 就真的差很遠了...

2006-07-25 16:23:07 補充:
剛剛查了一下字典Diversity比較接近所謂的 "不同" 以及 "多樣"跟 "不合" 反而差比較遠喔~ 因此match這個字比較能切中真實的情境~

2006-07-25 17:22:06 補充:
日常英文會話有一種特質 就是比喻性的句子特別多 所以跟直譯通常有一段差距 反正是非正式的溝通 意思到了就好了! 但如果是比較正式的場合如考試或者寫一些正式的信函 用詞還是精準一點比較好! 這是我個人的觀感啦!

2006-07-25 11:23:03 · answer #10 · answered by Sen Lan 7 · 0 0

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